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Q: Which graph best represents the percentage by volume of the elements making up earth's troposphere?
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Which pie graph correctly shows the percentage of elements by volume in Earths troposphere?

A pie graph with approximately 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, and 1% other gases would accurately represent the percentage of elements by volume in Earth's troposphere.

Is it true that the periodic table shows the most common elements in the earths crust and the approximate percentage by weight that each one represents?

yes this is true.

What is the lowest layer of the earths troposphere?

The lowest layer of Earth's troposphere is called the planetary boundary layer (PBL). It typically extends from the Earth's surface up to a few hundred to a couple of thousand meters in height, depending on various factors such as weather conditions and terrain. In this layer, mixing of air, pollutants, and other substances is more pronounced due to interaction with the Earth's surface.

Which atmospheric layer is closest to the earths crust?

The atmospheric layer closest to the Earth's crust is the troposphere. It is where we live and where most weather phenomena occur.

The layer of gas closest to earths surface is called the?


The first layer of the earths atmosphere touching earths surf?

The first layer of the Earth's atmosphere is called the troposphere, and it is in direct contact with the Earth's surface. This layer is where weather events occur and where most of the Earth's clouds and precipitation are found. Temperature usually decreases with altitude in the troposphere.

Which is earths densest atmospheric layer?

The troposphere is Earth's densest atmospheric layer, containing approximately 75% of the atmosphere's total mass. It is the layer closest to the Earth's surface, extending up to about 7-17 kilometers in altitude.

What is the earths atmospheres lowest layer?

The Troposphere

Air in the what is warmed by heat from the earths surface?

The air in the troposphere is warmed by heat from the Earth's surface through the process of conduction and convection. As the Earth's surface absorbs solar radiation, it heats up and transfers some of this heat to the air directly above it. This warming of the air creates temperature gradients and drives weather patterns and atmospheric circulation.

In which layer of the atmosphere does most of earths weather?

the troposphere

What layer of the earths atmosphere does the weather happen?

Weather occurs in the troposphere, which is the lowest layer of the Earth's atmosphere. This layer extends from the Earth's surface up to an average height of 7-20 km, where most weather phenomena, such as clouds, rain, storms, and winds, take place.

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