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Iron has a greater density.

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Q: Which has the greater density a kilogram of feathers of kilogram of iron?
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Which has greater density 100g of feathers or 100g of iron?

Iron. same weight but the iron is more dense. I think

Is the density of a kilogram of iron less than the density of 1 gram of iron?

No, the density of a kilogram of iron is greater than the density of 1 gram of iron. Density is a measure of how much mass is contained in a given volume, so a kilogram of iron has much more mass in the same volume as 1 gram of iron, leading to a higher density.

What weighs more iron or feathers?

Iron weighs more than feathers. Iron is a dense, heavy metal, while feathers are light and fluffy. However, if comparing the same volume of iron and feathers, they would weigh the same due to the concept of density.

Is a ton of feathers more dense than a ton of iron?

No, a ton of feathers and a ton of iron have the same weight because they both weigh a ton. However, the volume occupied by the ton of feathers would be significantly larger than the ton of iron due to the lower density of feathers.

The density of iron is about how many times greater than water?

iron is 7.9 times greater than water

Is the density of a kilogram of iron less than th density of one gram of iron?

The density should be identical regardless of the quantity, because "density" is what's called an intrinsic property; it doesn't matter how much of the substance there is.

What is the mass of a feather?

the answer to your question is 4grams thank you

What is the weight of 1 kilogram of iron on earth compared to 1 kilogram of iron on the moon?

The weight of 1 kilogram of iron on Earth is greater than the weight of 1 kilogram of iron on the Moon. This is because weight depends on the gravitational pull of the celestial body, and Earth has a stronger gravitational force than the Moon.

Will a piece of iron float in water?

No, a piece of iron will sink in water because its density is greater than that of water.

Why iron nail sinks in water?

The density of iron is higher than that of water, so the iron nail sinks in water due to gravity pulling it downwards. The weight of the iron nail is greater than the buoyant force acting on it from the water, causing it to sink.

Does a 2-kilogram solid iron brick have twice as much volume as a 1-kilogram solid iron brick?

No, the volume of a 2-kilogram iron brick would not be twice that of a 1-kilogram iron brick. The weight of an object does not directly correlate with its volume, as volume is determined by the dimensions and density of the object, not just its weight.

As the amount of iron in an ignous rock becomes greater its density will?

As the iron content increases, it's density will also increase. Iron and magnesium rich rocks are known as mafic rocks. Please see the related link.