To determine which is greater between 0.625 and 0.45, we can compare the two decimals place by place. In this case, the first decimal place for both numbers is the same (0), so we move to the next decimal place. The second decimal place for 0.625 is 6, which is greater than the second decimal place for 0.45, which is 4. Therefore, 0.625 is greater than 0.45.
Yes, 060 is greater than 045
0625 = 625 is larger than 01 = 1
1/16 6.25/100=.0625 1/16=.0625
There are 1000 milligrams in a gram. 62.5 divided by 1000 is .0625, so there are .0625 grams in 62.5 milligrams.
Yes, 060 is greater than 045
No because 4.5 is greater than .045 which is the same as 0.045
0.025 is 0.0375 less than 0.0625
0625 = 625 is larger than 01 = 1
0625 > 05 Drop the prefixed zeroes and we have 625 & 5 . Since 625 > 5 , then 0625 > 05 .
To convert a decimal to a percentage, you multiply by 100. Therefore, to convert .0625 to a percentage, you would multiply by 100 to get 6.25%.
1/16 6.25/100=.0625 1/16=.0625
.0625 = 1 ounce .0625 x 16 = 1 lb 1.5 lbs = 24 oz (24 x .0625 = 1.5lbs) 1.8 lbs = 28.80 oz (28.80 x .0625 = 1.8 lbs) 159.3 lbs = 2548.80 oz (2548.80 x .0625 = 159.3 lbs)
045 av is 75cc and the 045 av Super is 87cc.
There are 1000 milligrams in a gram. 62.5 divided by 1000 is .0625, so there are .0625 grams in 62.5 milligrams.