In terms of numerical value, 6 is greater than 0.75. When comparing decimals, we can also convert them to fractions for easier comparison. 0.75 can be written as 75/100 or 3/4, while 6 can be written as 6/1. When both values are in fraction form, it is clear that 6 is greater than 3/4.
It's greater than 5 and 75
Is 0.15 percent more than .075 percent?
6 tenths is greater.
The whole number of 6 is 6 and it cannot be greater than 6.
It's greater than 5 and 75
The question itself is wrong why is the .0157 not named as 1.57 if a number is higher than a 100 its is called at 1.00 but which is greater? its the .0157
125 is more than 075, so 125 mg is more than 075 mg.
i think its $ 0.075
.075 = 3/40 as a fraction in its simplest form
The first one.
Is 0.15 percent more than .075 percent?
If 075 mcg is 0,075 microgram and the liquid is water the voume is 0,075 microlitres.