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Both objects has equal mass

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Q: Which is heavier in mass 1000 kg of feathers or 1000 kg of rocks?
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Does 1000 bricks and feathers weigh the same?

No, 1000 bricks weigh significantly more than 1000 feathers because bricks are denser and heavier than feathers. The weight of an object depends on its mass and gravity's force acting on the object, so the weight of an object can vary based on the material it is made of.

Which weighs more feathers or rocks?

Answer That seems like a trick question to me! You could certainly gather enough feathers to equal the 'weight' of a rock. Weight is a measure of gravitational force on an object. The pull of gravity on a rock and a feather will be the same. In a vacuum, they will both fall at the same rate. They will both hit the bottom at the same time. Now of course, rocks feel heavier than feathers. But you could gather enough feathers so that a box of feathers feels just about as heavy as a rock. So which weighs more? Feathers or rocks? The question you should probably ask is which has more 'mass'. A measure of mass doesn't change with altitude, as does weight. Mass will be the same measurement for an object no matter where you take the measurement. And even better, you should probably ask which has the bigger density. Density is mass per volume. And then, of course, the answer is easy to give: rocks have a bigger density than feathers. Because if you take a box filled with rocks and a box filled with feathers, and if both boxes have the same size (the same volume) then the box with rocks is going to have the bigger mass.

Can a pile of feathers be more massive than a pile of rocks?

No, a pile of rocks will be more massive than a pile of feathers even if the volumes of the two piles are the same. This is because rocks are denser and have more mass per unit volume compared to feathers.

What is hevier a tun of bricks or a tun of feathers?

A tun of bricks is heavier than a tun of feathers because bricks have a higher density compared to feathers. The weight of an object is determined by its mass and gravity acting upon it, so the denser object will have more mass and therefore be heavier.

Is the mass of 1 liter of feathers greater than the mass of 1 liter of nails?

No. The mass of one liter of feathers is not greater than the mass of 1 liter of nails. The mass of 1 liter of nails is greater than the mass of 1 liter of feathers. That's why 1 liter of nails is heavier than 1 liter of feathers.

What is heavier a ton of bricks or a ton of feathers?

Neither is heavier. They both weigh a ton. Only there would be much more feathers than bricksFirst of all (face palm). They are the same mass, a tone.

Mass in a rock?

The mass of a rock depends on the type of rock studied. Heavier rocks generally will have a higher mass.

Does a cup of rocks have more mass than a cup of air?

The cup of rocks has more mass than the cup of air because it is heavier.

The gram is the metric unit of?

mass, although the si unit for mass is actually the kilogram, which is 1000 times heavier.

What is heavier a pair of sunglasses or a 1 kg mass?

well, my sunglasses are 50 grams and one kilogram equals 1000 grams so, a one kilogram mass is heavier

Why is a kg of lead heavier than a kg of feathers and flour?

It is not. They have exactly the same mass and so must have the same weight.

What has a greater mass 10000 grams of bricks or 10000 grams of feathers?

10000 grams of bricks have a greater mass than 10000 grams of feathers because bricks are denser and heavier than feathers. Weight depends on the mass and the force of gravity acting on an object, so in this case, both would weigh the same.