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Q: Which is larger a megawatt or a kilowatt how many times larger is it?
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How many kv are equal to one megawatt?

Considering it is kw for kilowatt and not kv. 1 megawatt = 1000 kilowatt.

How many KW hrs are in a MW hr?

There are 1000 kilowatt-hours in a megawatt-hour.

How many units consumed per 24 hours of megawatt mot er?

Watt, kilowatt, or megawatt are units of power (energy/time). A watt is 1 joule/second. A kilowatt is a thousand joules per second. A kilowatt is also 1 kWh/hour (kilowatt-hour / hour). Since you would usually pay per kilowatt-hour, you might be more interested in the number of kilowatt-hours. A megawatt is a million joules per second - or a thousand kWh/hour.

How many kilowatt hours are produced by 1 megawatt?

These units do not have a direct relationship. Imagine kilowatt hours as the equivalent of work done, and megawatts (or kilowatts) as the equivalent of effort.To answer your question: 1 megawatt 'produces' 1000 kilowatts per hour.

How many KWH equal a meg awatt?

One megawatt is equal to 1,000 kilowatts (kW), so one megawatt-hour (MWh) is equivalent to 1,000 kilowatt-hours (kWh).

How many kilowatts in a megawatt'?

0.001 or .001 or 1/1,000th or one one thousandth or a thousandth. A megawatt is 1,000,000 watts or one million watts. A kilowatt is 1,000 watts or one thousand watts.

How many kilowatt hours in a 8 Megawatt power generation plant?

8,000 since 8000*1000(kilo)=8,000,000 (mega)

How many kilowatts equal 1 mega watt?

1 kilo Watt = 10^3 (1000) Watts 1 mega Watt = 10^6 (1,000,000) Watts 1000 kilo Watt = 1000*1000 Watts = 1,000,000 Watts = 1 Mega Watt Therefore...1000 kW = 1 MW Hope that helps! ^_^

How many days you can use 1megawatt power?

It depends on the amount of power consumption per day. For example, if the power consumption is 1 megawatt per day, then 1 megawatt of power would last for 1 day.

How many kilowatts per month does a nuclear power plant produce?

The correct term is kilowatt-hour, or some multiple of that. One plant that I worked at could net 800 megawatts, so that would be about 576 gigawatt-hours, in a 30 day month. Some plants are larger. I know of some 1,200 megawatt plants, and that would be scaled accordingly, as 864 gigawatt-hours, both assuming continuous operation at full power. Scaled to the units requested in the original question, that 800 megawatt plant would be 800,000 kilowatt-months, and the 1,200 megawatt plant would be 1,200,000 kilowatt-months.

How many zero are there in 1 megawatt of electricity?

None. You could write is as 1,000 kilowatt and have 3 0s or 1,000,000 watts (6 0s) or 1,000,000,000 milliwatts (9 0s) etc.

How many megawatt of energy will 13 kilowatt solar panel system create?

If the rating is 13 KW, they should be able to produce about 11 KW of actual power. This is 0.011 MW of power