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Q: Which is the highest numerical number?
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Numerical order is what?

an ordering of people or things identified by number from the lowest to the highest

On which of the temperature scales does water boil at the highest numerical value?

Water boils at the highest numerical value on the Kelvin scale, at 373.15 K.

What is the numerical number for IV?

The numerical number for IV is 4.

What is the meaning of numerical?

Belonging to number; denoting number; consisting in numbers; expressed by numbers, and not letters; as, numerical characters; a numerical equation; a numerical statement., The same in number; hence, identically the same; identical; as, the same numerical body.

A number that describes numerical data is a?

A number that describes numerical data is a Statistic.

What is the numerical value of fluorine?

The numerical value of fluorine is 9 on the periodic table.

What is the numerical value of 5?

The numerical value of 5 is 5. The numerical value of any given number is the number itself.

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Is numerical a number?


What is the range median?

range is the distance between the lowest and highest values median is the middle number in a set of data when the data is in numerical order (medium in drink size is in the middle)

What is numerical number of a term that contains a variable?

The numerical factor of a term is called the "coefficient."

What is the highest digit you can use in hexadecimal?

The highest numerical digit is 9, but hexadecimal follows that with letters going to F. So in hexadecimal, F would be the highest digit.