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The highest numerical digit is 9, but hexadecimal follows that with letters going to F. So in hexadecimal, F would be the highest digit.

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Q: What is the highest digit you can use in hexadecimal?
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How many five digit hexadecimal strings are there?

Considering the lowest five digit hexadecimal number is 10000 (65,536) and the highest is FFFFF (1,048,575), there are 983,040 different hexadecimal numbers that are five digits.

How do you calculate the highest digit in a number system?

The highest digit is one less than the base used for counting. So in binary (base 2), the highest digit is 1 In octal (base 8), the highest digit is 7 In decimal (base 10), the highest digit is 9 In hexadecimal (base 16), the highest "digit" is 15. The symbols A, B, C, D, E and F represent the "digits" 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15. And so on.

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Can two hexadecimal digits be stored in one byte?

Yes, a byte is 8 bits, and a one hexadecimal digit takes up four bits, so two hexadecimal digits can be stored in a byte. The largest hexadecimal digit is F (which is 15 in base ten.) In base two, this converts to 1111, which takes up four bits, which is why it only takes four bits to store a hexadecimal digit. With 8 bits, two hexadecimal digits can be stored (FF would be 11111111, which is 8 bits), and 8 bits make up a byte. Generally, 4 bits are always used to store a hexadecimal digit, using leading zeros where necessary. For example, the hexadecimal digit 5 would be stored as 0101, and the hexadecimal digits 5A would be stored as 01011010.

How does hexadecimal count?

Counting in hexadecimal is basically like counting in decimal - just remember that the highest digit is "F" instead of "9". So, after "9", you continue with the digits "A", "B", ... "F", and after the last digit gets to "F", you set it back to zero (just as in decimal, you would set the last digit to zero after a "9"), and add one to the previous digit. For example, the next number after 3F is 40. And the next number after 3FF is 400.

One hexadecimal digit can be converted to how many binary bits?


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How many binary digits does a single hexadecimal digit represent?


How does the binary system differ from the hexadecimal numbering system?

The decimal system we normally use is base 10. That means that each position has 10 times the place-value of the digit to the right of it.Binary is base 2. Hexadecimal is base 16.

Binary to hexadecimal to binary conversion?

Each 4 bits of binary can make 1 hexadecimal digit. There are 16 hexadecimal characters including zero. This can be shown by the equation 2^4 = 16.