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Q: Which is the mistake in He is thehighest person in the family by more than 2 centimetres?
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it a mistake

What is the measured height of a person?

The height of a person can be given in feet and inches, or in metres and centimetres.

What it mean when a person making a mistake?

A mistake is something done in error. For instance, if you dial the wrong phone number, you made a mistake.

Is being gay a mistake?

No. A person cannot be born "a mistake." Being gay is natural and healthy.

This person is a selection mistake What are the Short term and Long term consequences of a selection mistake?

There is not anything stated regarding who the person is. Without knowing who this is referring to it is hard to know what the consequences of them being a selection mistake would be.

Does computer makes mistake?

Not really. The only time a computer will make a mistake is if the person who programmed the software made one, or the person using the computer inputs something wrong.The basic rule for this is GARBAGE IN GARBAGE OUT.

What is a measuring unit for a person?

Either feet and inches, or metres and centimetres.

How do you be a dependable person at home?

If you can, be aware that these are people you love and who love you. Do what you are asked to do; almost always it will be for the good of the family. If you disagree with something ask to talk about it instead of pouting and whining. Help others whenever you can. Tell the truth, even if it is about a mistake you made, and even if you make the mistake on purpose.

What do you call a person who admits his mistake?

A bundle of sticks

Who said world war 1 fought by mistake?

It is said by those types of person who r always on mistake.....