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Q: Which is the point the azimuth originate?
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Which is the point where an azimuth originate?

The point from where an azimuth originates is the center of an imaginary circle.

What is the point from where an azimuth originate?

The point from where an azimuth originates is the center of an imaginary circle.

What point does the azimuth originate from?

The roots of the word are originally from Arabic.

Which is the point from where an azimuth?

The point from where an azimuth originates is the center of an imaginary circle.

Which point from where an azimuth originates?

The point from where an azimuth originates is the center of an imaginary circle.

Which is point from where an azimuth originates?

The point from where an azimuth originates is the center of an imaginary circle.

Which is point where an azimuth originates?

The point from where an azimuth originates is the center of an imaginary circle.

Which is the point from where is azimuth originates?

The point from where an azimuth originates is the center of an imaginary circle.

Which is the point from an azimuth originates?

The azimuth originates at true NorthThe azimuth originates form the north point. It is a measure of how far an object is form the observer's north point.

What is the point from which an azimuth originates?

An azimuth originates from the North point, typically referencing true North or magnetic North depending on the context. It is measured in degrees clockwise from North, ranging from 0° to 360°.

What is the point were an azimuth originates?

Azimuth is the distance of a celestial object from the observer who is generally somewhere on the Earth's surface

Which is the point from where an originates?

The point from where an azimuth originates is the center of an imaginary circle.