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Q: Which is your lifestyle determine by your choice of values?
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Which three components determine lifestyle?

health, priority, and risk are three components that determine lifestyle

What three components determine lifestyle?

environment, personal choice, and habitat

Why is our lifestyle determined by our choice of values?

Our lifestyle is determined by our choice of values because values shape our priorities, beliefs, and goals, influencing the decisions we make each day. The values we hold guide our actions, behaviors, and relationships, ultimately shaping the way we live our lives. By aligning our lifestyle with our chosen values, we create a sense of purpose, fulfillment, and authenticity.

Is a lifestyle choice?

Yes, a lifestyle choice refers to the decisions and behaviors an individual makes that reflect their way of living, values, and preferences. This can include aspects such as diet, exercise, hobbies, and social activities that shape a person's daily life.

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No, it's a lifestyle choice.

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That depends on their choice of lifestyle.

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Is eating disorders a lifestyle choice?

No! It's pure hell. You don't choose to Get an eating disorder, it sneeks up on you and bites you in the butt. It's NOT a lifestyle or a choice, it's hell on earth

What is Cherry Mobile's motto?

Cherry Mobile's motto is 'Values Your Lifestyle'.

What are three components of a healthy lifestyle?

environment, personal choice, and habit

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What is one noninfectious disease related to a lifestyle choice?

Diabetes type 2