Though mean, median, and mode is central tendency, it is hard to put this into words.For an example:Your average grade in math class is an A. Though, how did you calculate that average? Well, since average means mean, you calculated that average using the method of central tendency, or in this situation, you found the mean.In other words, central tendency is just a method (mean, median and mode) to find the average, middle, and most occurring score or number in a set of data.I hope this helped! ;D~Lovingless
Central tendency is important because it is used to calculate an average on a collection of data. Central Tendency includes the mean, median, and mode.
"Central tendency" is a phrase comprising TWO words, it is not a word. Central tendency refers to the tendency of some data sets to collect around their middle value.
One of the measures of central tendency IS the average, also known as mean. You can't calculate the average from other measures of central tendency.
"What are the benefits of measures of central tendency? Explain with an example
by getting the mean and multiply by the median
The mode.
"Measures of central tendency are statistical measures." is an accurate statement.
The mean.
The median.
True-as in an average.
Benefits of Central Tendency
It describes the "middle" of the data set.It describes the "middle" of the data set.It describes the "middle" of the data set.It describes the "middle" of the data set.
easures of central tendency
Though mean, median, and mode is central tendency, it is hard to put this into words.For an example:Your average grade in math class is an A. Though, how did you calculate that average? Well, since average means mean, you calculated that average using the method of central tendency, or in this situation, you found the mean.In other words, central tendency is just a method (mean, median and mode) to find the average, middle, and most occurring score or number in a set of data.I hope this helped! ;D~Lovingless
It is called central tendency because it represents the averages. Central tendency has three measurements: # Mean # Mode # Median
Central tendency is important because it is used to calculate an average on a collection of data. Central Tendency includes the mean, median, and mode.