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Q: Which measure would a long-term creditor be least interested in reviewing?
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Which measure would a long term creditor be least interested in reviewing?

current ratio

Monitor and reviewing a business plan?

An entrepreneur cannot measure progress without having something to measure that progress against and is why planning is so important.

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The answer will depend on what measure you are interested in: interior or exterior angles, lengths of sides, principal diagonals, apothem, area.

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How manyy centimeters are in kiligrams?

Centimeters are a unit of measure of length (for example, how long a pencil is). Kilograms are a unit of measure of mass (for example, how many kilograms of mass are contained in a desk). So, you cannot say how many centimeters are in a kilogram. If you are interested in length: There are 100,000 centimeters in 1 kilometer. If you are interested in mass: There are 100,000 centigrams in 1 kilogram.

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No. A corporate structure is only interested in it’s profit margin or regulatory framework that affects them. It is not interested in the common good of the nation. It is a business and not a human.

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What do we use to measure mass?

Mass is typically measured using a balance or a scale, which compares an object's mass to a known standard mass. The unit used to measure mass is the kilogram (kg) in the International System of Units (SI).

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A home gym can be a cost saving measure. Memberships to gyms are often expensive and may not provide as comfortable an environment as your home would.

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A. A. Michelson was not interested in measuring the speed of light.He only measured how it changes if you move toward the light, awayfrom it, or sideways. (It doesn't.)

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