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Q: Which miltary operations comprise extended duration large scale operations that usually involve combat?
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What military operation comprise extended duration large scale operations that usually involve combat?

Extended duration large scale military operations that usually involve combat are often referred to as military campaigns. These campaigns typically involve multiple battles, engagements, or operations aimed at achieving specific objectives within a larger strategic context. Examples of well-known military campaigns include Operation Desert Storm during the Gulf War and Operation Overlord, the Allied invasion of Normandy during World War II.

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If I had to guess I think operations and supply management would NOT involve Portfolio Management

What is a synonym for the word to include?

include = involve, incorporate, comprise, embody, contain, take into account, embrace, accommodate

What do Civil Military Operations involve?

Interaction of military forces with the civilian populace

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add up to, amount to, be composed of, be mafe of, comprise, contain, embody, include, incorporate, involve -- source - Oxford Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms

Why production management is called operations management?

Operations managemeent is to direct, plan, and coordinate different activities of manaufacturing or service operations. As Production management involve planning, organizing,directing and coordinating various activities to produce final product or service; it is called operations management as well.

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1.Union=2.Intersection==3.Set Difference==4.Complement=

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Some synonyms of contain include : embody, involve, include, embrace, enclose, inside, accomodate, consist, comprise, incorporate, hold, embody and to hold.

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Yes, security infractions involve actions that can potentially compromise the confidentiality, integrity, or availability of classified information or operations, thus putting them at risk. It is important to address and mitigate these infractions to maintain the security of such sensitive information and activities.

How are soaring and gliding alike?

Soaring & gliding flight involve little wing movement. Birds soar & glide with their wings extended.