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If you start with 1, the common factors are 1 and 3. If you start with zero, as Fibonacci did, the common factor is 1.

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Q: Which number is a factor for every fourth number in the first 15 numbers in the Fibonacci sequence?
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Which Fibonacci numbers are divisible by three?

Every fourth one.

How to figure out the next number in this sequence 2741462182?

Hi,I think that there are two set of numbers that are hidden here.2, 4, 6, 8 ... So 4 numbers with a common factor of "2",and 7,14,21 - with the common factor of "7", so we need the fourth number in the sequence to complete the logical set.So the next would be 28.Then it would be 2 7 4 14 6 21 8 2..8so the next numeral is 8 :)Tatiana S.

Where is it used everyday Fibonacci sequence used?

The Fibonacci sequence is not so much used as that it appears in thousands of places in the natural world.However the Fibonacci numbers and principle is also used in the financial markets. It is used in trading algorithms, applications and strategies."The bee ancestry codeFibonacci numbers also appear in the description of the reproduction of a population of idealized bees, according to the following rules:* If an egg is laid by an unmated female, it hatches a male.* If, however, an egg was fertilized by a male, it hatches a female.Thus, a male bee will always have one parent, and a female bee will have two.If one traces the ancestry of any male bee (1 bee), he has 1 female parent (1 bee). This female had 2 parents, a male and a female (2 bees). The female had two parents, a male and a female, and the male had one female (3 bees). Those two females each had two parents, and the male had one (5 bees). This sequence of numbers of parents is the Fibonacci sequence.[" (Wikipedia)They are also used in music. they occur on the leaves of sunflowers, and many others.It is also relevant to the leaf growth on certain plants. That means that the first year those plants grow one new leaf, the second year they grow one new leaf, the third year they grow two new leaves, the fourth year they grow three new leaves, the fifth year they grow five new leaves, the sixth year they grow eight new leaves, and so on..... The pattern 1,1,2,3,5,8, the Fibonacci sequence.Hope it helpedxox

In a sequence of numbers the first number is 3 and each number after the first is 2 more than 3 times the preceding number What is the fourth term in the sequence?

n1 = 3n2 = 3(3) + 2 = 9 + 2 = 11n3 = 3(11) +2 = 33 + 2 = 35n4 = 3(35) + 2 = 105 + 2 = 107The fourth term in the sequence (n4) is 107.

Can you find the missing number from 12 11 18 14 24 17?

It is 30; the first, third, and fifth numbers form the sequence 12, 18, 24. The second, fourth, and sixth numbers follow the sequence 11, 14, 17. Logically, the seventh number must be 24 + 6, so 30.

Related questions

What is a recursive sequence and its relationship to a Fibonacci sequence.?

A recursive sequence uses previous numbers to find the next number in a sequence after the base case. The Fibonacci sequence is an example of such a sequence. The base numbers of the Fibonacci sequence are 0 and 1. After that base, you find the next number in the sequence by adding the two previous numbers. So, the Fibonacci sequence looks like so: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8.... So, the third number is found by adding the first and second numbers, 0 and 1. So the third number is 1. The fourth number is found by adding the second and third numbers, 1 and 1. So, the fourth number is 2. You can continue on this way forever.

Which Fibonacci numbers are divisible by three?

Every fourth one.

Which number is a factor of every fourth Fibonacci number?

The fourth Fibonacci number is 3, so the only possible answer is "3". It does indeed look as if every fourth number after that is a multiple of 3.

1 1 2 3 5 8 13 Which number should come next in the series?

21 It is the Fibonacci secuence.1+1=2 1+2=3 2+3=5 and so on... 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,144,233,377,610...

Prove 3 divides every 4th Fibonacci number?


How do you get each number in the Fibonacci sequence?

The Fibonacci sequence is a series of sums of two counting numbers and it starts with the lowest two, namely 0 and 1. Each successive number in the sequence is the sum of the two preceding it. Like this: The first term is usually 0 (although sometimes it is left out). The second term is 1. The third term is 1 + 0 = 1. The fourth term is 1 + 1 = 2. The fifth term is 1 + 2 = 3. The sixth term is 2 + 3 = 5. So the first 15 terms in the sequence would be: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, ... More formally, the Fibonacci sequence is defined recursively as: a1 = 0 a2 = 1 an+1 = an-1 + an There is also a general formula for the nth Fibonacci number: ( [1+sqrt(5)]n - [1-sqrt(5)]n ) / (2n * sqrt(5)) (where sqrt() means square root of)

What are the uses of Fibonacci numbers in daily life?

The Fibonacci sequence is not so much used as that it appears in thousands of places in the natural world. However the Fibonacci numbers and principle is also used in the financial markets. It is used in trading algorithms, applications and strategies. "The bee ancestry code Fibonacci numbers also appear in the description of the reproduction of a population of idealized bees, according to the following rules: * If an egg is laid by an unmated female, it hatches a male. * If, however, an egg was fertilized by a male, it hatches a female. Thus, a male bee will always have one parent, and a female bee will have two. If one traces the ancestry of any male bee (1 bee), he has 1 female parent (1 bee). This female had 2 parents, a male and a female (2 bees). The female had two parents, a male and a female, and the male had one female (3 bees). Those two females each had two parents, and the male had one (5 bees). This sequence of numbers of parents is the Fibonacci sequence.[" (Wikipedia) They are also used in music. they occur on the leaves of sunflowers, and many others. It is also relevant to the leaf growth on certain plants. That means that the first year those plants grow one new leaf, the second year they grow one new leaf, the third year they grow two new leaves, the fourth year they grow three new leaves, the fifth year they grow five new leaves, the sixth year they grow eight new leaves, and so on..... The pattern 1,1,2,3,5,8, the Fibonacci sequence. In right triangles, for all triangles with integer sides, (3, 4, 5), (5,12 ,13) and so on have a Fibonacci Number as the hypotenuse.

How to figure out the next number in this sequence 2741462182?

Hi,I think that there are two set of numbers that are hidden here.2, 4, 6, 8 ... So 4 numbers with a common factor of "2",and 7,14,21 - with the common factor of "7", so we need the fourth number in the sequence to complete the logical set.So the next would be 28.Then it would be 2 7 4 14 6 21 8 2..8so the next numeral is 8 :)Tatiana S.

Which numbers have 3 but not 4 as a factor?

Take the multiples of 3: 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, etc. Now, eliminate every fourth number in the sequence (the multiples of 4). The remaining numbers will be multiples of 3, but not of 4.

Where is it used everyday Fibonacci sequence used?

The Fibonacci sequence is not so much used as that it appears in thousands of places in the natural world.However the Fibonacci numbers and principle is also used in the financial markets. It is used in trading algorithms, applications and strategies."The bee ancestry codeFibonacci numbers also appear in the description of the reproduction of a population of idealized bees, according to the following rules:* If an egg is laid by an unmated female, it hatches a male.* If, however, an egg was fertilized by a male, it hatches a female.Thus, a male bee will always have one parent, and a female bee will have two.If one traces the ancestry of any male bee (1 bee), he has 1 female parent (1 bee). This female had 2 parents, a male and a female (2 bees). The female had two parents, a male and a female, and the male had one female (3 bees). Those two females each had two parents, and the male had one (5 bees). This sequence of numbers of parents is the Fibonacci sequence.[" (Wikipedia)They are also used in music. they occur on the leaves of sunflowers, and many others.It is also relevant to the leaf growth on certain plants. That means that the first year those plants grow one new leaf, the second year they grow one new leaf, the third year they grow two new leaves, the fourth year they grow three new leaves, the fifth year they grow five new leaves, the sixth year they grow eight new leaves, and so on..... The pattern 1,1,2,3,5,8, the Fibonacci sequence.Hope it helpedxox

In a sequence of numbers the first number is 3 and each number after the first is 2 more than 3 times the preceding number What is the fourth term in the sequence?

n1 = 3n2 = 3(3) + 2 = 9 + 2 = 11n3 = 3(11) +2 = 33 + 2 = 35n4 = 3(35) + 2 = 105 + 2 = 107The fourth term in the sequence (n4) is 107.

How can you draw a flow chart to find prime numbers?

The first action sequence in the flow chart is to remove all multiples of 2 from numbers greater than 2. The next sequence removes removes all multiples of 3 from all numbers greater than 3. The third sequence removes all multiples of 5 from the remaining numbers greater than 5. The fourth sequence removes all multiples of 7 from the remaining numbers greater than 7. Additional sequences are added as needed to remove multiples of as many primes as desired in ascending order.