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Q: Which number is equal to its cube but not its square?
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Is there a number which is equal to its cube but not equal to its square if yes find it?

Yes, -1.

What is one of 2 equal factors of a number or expression?

A Square Root is one of the two equal factors of a number.

You are 2 digit number that is a square and a cube what are you?

The number 64 is equal to ±8 squared and 4 cubed.

What does a square and cube have in common?

A cube is a three-dimensional square.

What is a perfect square and a perfect cube?

A perfect Square means a shape having 4 equal sides and the angle between two adjecent lines should be 90, But a perfect Cube means its an OBJECT with its four sides are equal dimentions. Any square has 4 equal sides and 90 degree corner angles. This is a question about number theory. A perfect square is a number whose square root is an integer (eg 9, 49 etc). Similarly a perfect cube is a number whose cube root is an integer (eg 8, 27 etc)

What has six equal square parts?

A cube has six equal square faces.

What is a number which is a square and a cube?

Square=2 Cube=3

What kind of faces does a cube have?

A cube has six equal square faces.

What number is both a square number and a cube number between 1 and 25?

There is not a number that is a perfect square and perfect cube between 1 and 25.There is not a number that is a perfect square and perfect cube between 1 and 25.There is not a number that is a perfect square and perfect cube between 1 and 25.There is not a number that is a perfect square and perfect cube between 1 and 25.

Program to find square and cube of a number?

square and cube caculator

What has six equal square faces?

A cube.

If a cube has equal sides of 300 feet what is the number of square feet?

A cube with edges 300-ft long has a total surface area of 540,000 square ft. That's 60,000 square yds in case you have to carpet it.