27. Here you just have to plug stuff in until it works. That's my philosophy.
Well, let's see. Perfect cubes that are two digits: 27 64 Could it be 27? Well, 2+7 is 9, and that's a perfect square with a square root of 3, and the cube root of 27 is three. Looks like we've found our answer, especially since 6+4 = 10, which is NOT a perfect square.
27 27 = 3*3*3 (3 cubed = 27) 2+7 = 9 The square root of 9 is 3.
The number/digit 2.
· it has 2 digits · it is a square number (8 x 8 = 64) · it is a cube number (4 x 4 x 4 = 64)
64 is. And I regret that I have no clue what you mean by "deatils prosure".
4,096 = (64)2 = (16)3
4097 (4097 = (43)2 + 1)
Square=2 Cube=3
27. Here you just have to plug stuff in until it works. That's my philosophy.
64EDIT: Someone suggested any even number multiplied by itself, but this is not true as the result would not be a cube number. The only number that satisfies the criteria in the question is 64, because;it has 2 digitsit is a square number (8 x 8 = 64)it is a cube number (4 x 4 x 4 = 64)
64. 64 = 82 = 43 26 = (23)2 = (22)3 = 64.
Four. 4 = square of 2 Double of 4 = 8.... 8 is cube of 2
Nothing in this universe: 16,25,36,49,64 & 81 are the only 2-digit squares.
46656 is the square of 216 and the cube of 36 2^6 x 3^6 is the square of a cube and the cube of a square.