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Q: Which number is the best represented by point D on the number line?
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What is the real number represented by a point on a number line?

It is the real number whose length represents the distance from the zero on the line to the point on the line.

What is real number diagram?

A real number can be represented by a point on the number line.

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A triangle, with one of the complex numbers represented by a line from the origin to the number, and then move from that point up and over the amount of the next complex number. Then draw a line segment from the origin to the final point.

What rational number is represented by the point on this number line?

Answering that would be a snap if I could have a peek at the line, but until then, it's totally impossible.

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Can an irrational number be represented on a number line?

Not normally because an irrational number can't be expressed as a fraction which can be represented on the number line.

Can irrational numbers cannot be represented by points on the real number line?

These number can also be represented on real line.

Which point on the number line is the best estimate of 0.58?

It is 0.58, of course. The number line is not simply for integers!

What point on the number line best represent 3.15?

The point that is 3.15 units away from 0 on the positive side of the number line.

Which point on the number line below best represents the location of 10.2?

point D

What point on the number line best represents 1.35?

The nearest whole number is 1, so that could be the best number.

Are irrational numbers cannot be represented on a number line?

Irrational numbers can be represented on a number line. For example, to graph the square root of two, draw a line of 1 unit (1 unit = the distance between the points of two whole numbers) from -1 which is perpendicular to the number line. Then, using a compass, place the pointy end on 0, the pencil tip on the end of the drawn line that is not touching the number line and drawing an arc so that it hits the number line on the positive side. Draw a point at where the arc meets the number line. That point is the square root of 2. This works because of Pythagoras theorem (a2+b2=c2, 12+12=22).