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its a manufacturing, like how your mother manufactures dead fetuses from her vagina

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Q: Which of the following is not included in the manufacturing industry cluster 1 Apparel Manufacturing 2 Printing 3 Oil refinery 4 Textile Mills and Products?
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Why tessellation is important when manufacturing products?

Because it's more pleasurable to look at and it has a sense of order.

What does the Woodworking Machinery category include?

This category includes establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing machinery for sawmills, for making particleboard and similar products, and for otherwise working or producing wood products.

Short note on direct cost and indirect cost?

Direct Cost:These are all those costs which directly related and allocatable to manufacturing of units of products like direct material (raw meterial), Direct labor (Salaries or wages of workforce) etc.Indirect Cost:These are those costs which are not directly allocatable to manufacturing of units of products like salary of line manager in factory or supervisors salary etc.

Why are most products from China?

China has the worlds largest population and many of their people are extremely poor. Large manufacturing companies always want to make products as cheaply as they possibly can in order to sell products at reasonable prices while making a profit. It costs many times less to have products made in China vs the US, Europe, or other industrialized nations. Companies have been moving their manufacturing to China to take advantage of this cheap labor therefore many of the products you see nowadays say made in China or a similar country.

Where does pictograph used in real life?

pictographs can be used in different types of business's to provide data for what they are going to create or work on (it actually depends on the type of business because if it was a manufacturing business the data would help them know how the would like to build their products).

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What products does Bolivian manufacturing produce?

Bolivia's manufacturing sectors include food and beverages and tobacco; textiles, clothing, leather and footwear; wood products and furniture; printing and publishing; industrial chemicals and pharmaceuticals; and plastic, glass, and rubber products.

What are some products made by the corporation KLA Tencor?

Four products made by KLA Tencor are Chip manufacturing, Wafer manufacturing, Reticle manufacturing and Data Storage Mediahead manufacturing. Other products include High Brightness LED manufacturing, Compound Semiconductor manufacturing and MEMS manufacturing.

What type of products are Thermastor manufacturing?

The products that Thermastor are manufacturing consist of the following: Dehumidifiers, Restoration equipment, and Water heaters. You can find more information on this topic by visiting their official website.

Just-in-time manufacturing is a production system that pulls products through the manufacturing process on the basis of market demand?

Just-in-time manufacturing is a production system that pulls products through the manufacturing process on the basis of market demand.

Which of the following five types of products is least likely to be produced in a process manufacturing system?

Oil Painting

What are some manufactured goods in North Dakota?

Machinery manufacturing is the top manufacturing sector in North Dakota, followed closely by food, beverage, and tobacco product manufacturing. North Dakota's manufactured goods also include petroleum and coal products; fabricated metal products; motor vehicle body, trailer and parts manufacturing; wood products; computer and electronic products; chemical manufacturing; and plastics and rubber products.

What is a word for making products?

Manufacturing is making products.

What kind of products does the company Sheers manufacture?

There are several products which the company Sheers is manufacturing. However, the main products the company is manufacturing is household stuffs such as curtains.

What manufacturing costs that are assigned to completed but unsold products can classified as?

All manufacturing costs that are assigned to completed (but unsold) products should be classified as

What are three products that Chief Manufacturing offers?

Chief Manufacturing offers three products and has a comprehensive list on their online website. Chief Manufacturing offers pipes, the required accessories for the pipes and the pipe fittings that will be required.

What are the chief products of Illinois?

Corn, soybeans, wheat, hogs, cattle, chemical products, food manufacturing, machinery manufacturing, metal products, transportation equipment, rubber products, coal.

How does society use computers in manufacturing?

Computers are used in manufacturing in many, many ways. Most commonly computers are used to generate labels for products, control and/or monitor larger machines (presses, robotics, etc.), and for general reporting. Computers are also used in manufacturing for the shipping process, i.e. Bills of Lading printing, sending electronic communications to vendors and customers, etc.