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Please don't write "the following" if you don't provide a list. This is the situation for some common number sets:* Whole numbers / integers do NOT have this property.

* Rational numbers DO have this property.

* Real numbers DO have this property.

* Complex numbers DO have this property.

* The set of non-negative rational numbers, as well as the set of non-negative real numbers, DO have this property.

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Q: Which of the following sets of numbers contains multiplicative inverses for all its nonzero elements?
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Which of the following sets of numbers contains multiplicative inverses for all its elements Positive Integers Integers Rational Numbers Real Numbers?

Rational numbers and Real Numbers. The multiplicative inverses of integers are not integers.

What are the elements in rational numbers having multiplicative inverse?

All rational numbers, with the exception of zero (0), have a multiplicative inverse. In fact, all real numbers (again, except for zero) have multiplicative inverses, though the inverses of irrational numbers are themselves irrational. Even imaginary numbers have multiplicative inverses (the multiplicative inverse of 5i is -0.2i - as you can see the inverse itself is also imaginary). Even complex numbers (the sum of an imaginary number and a real number) have multiplicative inverses (the inverse of [5i + 2] is [-5i/29 + 2/29] - similar to irrational and imaginary numbers, the inverse of a complex number is itself complex). The onlynumber, in any set of numbers, that does not have a multiplicative inverse is zero.

What is the meaning of opposite in a mathematical term?

The answer depends on the context. There are opposite numbers that can be the additive inverses, or multiplicative inverses.

What is the multiplicative inverse of 2 over 3?

2/3 and 3/2 are multiplicative inverses because they multiply to give you the multiplicative identity one.

What Two numbers with a product of 1 are called?

reciprocals, multiplicative inverses

Why do square matrices only have multiplicative inverses?

there are pseudo inverses for non-square matrices a square matrix has an inverse only if the original matrix has full rank which implies that no vector is annihilated by the matrix as a multiplicative operator

What are two numbers whose product is one called?

Reciprocals, or multiplicative inverses

What does it mean for numbers to be multiplicative inverses?

i dint know thats why asked for "Answers"

The multiplicative inverse of -2 is?

The answer is -1/2 . Pairs of number that multiply together to get 1 are called multiplicative inverses of each other.

What are oppposites in math?

Opposites in math are called inverses. There are two of these inverses: an additive and a multiplicative. The additive inverse of a number is that number multiplied by -1. If this is added to the number, then the result will be 0. The multiplicative inverse of a number is its reciprocal. This is the number converted into a fraction then flipped. If you multiply a number with its multiplicative inverse, the result will be 1.

What is multiplicative inverse of a number?

It is the "reciprocal" although this term is usually restricted to inverses of integers.

What are two numbers whose product equals one called?

reciprocals or multiplicative inverses