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Q: Which of the sign of the start of an acute illness?
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acute enreric illness

Can chickenpox ever become a chronic illness?

Chickenpox is an acute illness.

What illness does roderick suffer?

Roderick suffers from a variety of nervous disorders, including acute bodily illness. This illness manifests in heightened sensitivity to light, sound, and touch, as well as acute anxiety and insomnia.

Is strep throat an example of an acute illness?

Yes. It is.

What is a sign of illness?

depends what illness you're talking about

What was the Illness in 2002 - 2003?

SARS - Severe Acute Respritory Syndrome

What is acute stage?

If referring to an illness, it is after the incubation period, the stage of the illness where the symptoms are the most severe, before recovery or convalesense.

What does no acute distress mean in medical terms?

No acute distress means that there is no obvious observed sign of serious illness. For example, someone having a heart attack might be obviously sweating, clutching their chest, or collapsed. In contrast, someone with cancer may appear normal to the naked eye.

What caused helen keller to be blind?

she had the illness of acute congestion of the stomach and brain

Is Lou Gehrig's disease an acute or a chronic illness?

It can be both depending on the type.

What do you call an illness with a short duration?

Acute. An illness of long duration is called chronic.

Is Hepatitis A acute?

Acute means sudden or recent onset. Chronic means that it has been going on for a long time. Hepatitis A usually causes an abrupt illness and then get better so it is generally acute and not chronic.