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Circle. Because all of the others have sides that are all EQUAL as in EQUALladeral.

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Q: Which of these doesn't fit rectangle circle Square Parallelogram?
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What does a rhombus have that a parallelogram doesn't?

ei .. rhombus is just a square that is slanted .. while parallelogram is a slanted rectangle .. parallelogram has length and width .. and it is not equal .. while rhombus has sides which are equal .. difference: rhombus has equal sides .. while the parallelogram doesnt have same sides ////

What is a shape that doesnt have equal sides?

Shapes that do not have equal sides is called a quadrilateral. They include an irregular quadrilateral, rectangle, or a parallelogram.

Are a square and rectangle the same thing?

yes and no. both are quadrilaterals and polygons,but a square has all equal sides while a rectagle doesnt have all equal sides only opposite sides are equal.

What has 4 congruent sides 2 perpendicular congruent diagonals and 4 right angles?

The quadrilateral that meets these criteria is a parallelogram: both pairs of opposite sides are parallel. This implies that opposite sides are of equal length, opposite angles are equal, and the diagonals bisect each other. A general term including square, rectangle, rhombus and rhomboid.

In basketball what is the front?

it doesnt have a frount it is a circle

How many times do the sun circle the planet?

none the sun doesnt circle the planet planets circle the sun!!!

Is a trapezoids sometimes a rectangle?

no because a rectangled has to four right agnles which a trapazoid doesnt have

How does a parallelogram triangle look?

it just doesnt exist. parallelogram is a closed shape vth opposite sides parallel adjacent angle not 90 degree. triangle is closed shape vth 3 sides.

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How do you prove a square has one right angle?

it doesnt

What is four sided polygons?

it doesnt have a name if it has the name is square

What is a concave four-sided polygon?

it doesnt have a name if it has the name is square