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65536/2, 16384X2, 8192X4, 4096X8, 2048X16, 1024X32, 512X64, 256X128

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Q: Which of these expressions equals 32768 when evaluated?
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32 x 32 x 32?

32 cubed equals to 32768.

8 to the 5th power equals what?


What does 8x8x8x8x8 equal?

8x8x8x8x8 equals 32,768. This can be calculated by multiplying 8 by itself five times, which is equivalent to 8 raised to the power of 5. In mathematical terms, this can be represented as 8^5 = 32,768.

What is negative 32 cubed?

(-32)3 = -32768(-32)3 = -32768(-32)3 = -32768(-32)3 = -32768

Do algebraic expressions have equals signs?

no algebraic expressions do not have equal signs but equations do.

What is 2 to the power of 3 evaluated?

that equals 2*2*2 which equals eight

Simply or evaluate the expressions and equations A - -b if a equals 3 and b equals -2?


How are math expressions and math equations different?

Math equations have an equals sign such as: 7+5=12 or 9x6=47+7 Math expressions do not have a equals sign such as: 43-27 or 8x40

What is expression in software?

An expression is any combination of values that can be evaluated. A value can be as a simple as a literal constant (such as the value 42), a variable or a function, or it can be the result of an operation. Simple expressions can be combined with operators to produce more complex expressions. Expressions are evaluated according to the rules of precedence. In mathematics, we use the following order of precedence is: parenthesis, exponent, multiply, divide, add and subtract (which gives us the acronym PEMDAS).

How many Bytes equals 256Kb?

kbps refers to kilobits so it would be 32 kilobytes per second which is 32768 bytes or 262144 bits.

When two expressions are linked by an equals sign it is called an?


What is the binary equivalent of -32768?
