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Q: Which of these is caused by constructing roads and buildings in undeveloped areas?
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What environmental consequence is caused by constructing roads and buildings in undeveloped areas?


When constructing buildings in coastal areas humans sometimes destroy sand dunes on the beaches. This activity?

is harmful because the dunes serve many important functions.

What causes infrastructure?

Some people needs buildings because they want other people to work & then people are changing/constructing building but before that it was a coastal area for example. They're turning AGRiCULTURAL AREAS to SUBDiViSiONS or BUiLDiNGS or ROADS.

Does Oklahoma have regions of wilderness or undeveloped land If so where?

Oklahoma does have undeveloped areas. Try looking around Shawnee and Harrah. You may have to search a little, but you will eventually come to one of these areas.

What is Surface developing?

A develop-able surface is any area which can be effectively used for constructing buildings or planting crops. This makes up much of the Earth's surface except for extreme areas and those with harsh weather conditions.

Does your state have regions of wilderness or undeveloped land?

Yes, our state has regions of wilderness and undeveloped land. These areas provide important habitats for wildlife and opportunities for outdoor recreation. They are valued for their natural beauty and ecological significance.

What is conclusion for safe construction practices?

safe construction practices are those practices which should be followed in disaster prone areas while constructing houses or any type of buildings so as to avoid so much damage at the time of a disaster....

What is the remotest airport in the world?

remote airports mean the airport in some large distance remote areas like islands,undeveloped areas. most distant areas

Why the mountains areas have sparse population?

Mountainous areas tend to have more challenging living conditions, such as rugged terrain, extreme weather, limited access to resources, and difficulty in constructing infrastructure like roads and buildings. These factors make it less attractive for people to settle in mountainous regions, resulting in sparse population.

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What atmosphericclimate aren't good for undeveloped fingerprints?

Extreme atmospheric climates are not good for undeveloped fingerprints. Areas with very high or very low temperatures should be avoided as they would interfere with the development of fingerprints.

What rural urbanization?

Urban areas are the developed cities of any country, whereas rural areas are undeveloped and underdeveloped areas. In Urban areas there are more opportunities than rural area in terms of employment and investment.