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Their mass is the same.

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Q: Which one is heavier 10kg cotton or 1 kg oranges?
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10kg cotton weighs more or 10kg iron?

Both 10kg of cotton and 10kg of iron weigh the same, as they both have a mass of 10kg. The difference in the amount of space each material occupies may make it seem like one weighs more than the other, but in terms of weight, they are equal.

One pund stone or one pound cotton which one is heavier?

One pound of stone is heavier than one pound of cotton. While they both weigh the same amount, the density of stone is higher than cotton, so a pound of stone takes up less space and feels heavier.

1kg gold and 1kg cotton which is heavier?

Nooo, 1kg gold is heavier 1kg cotton, because the last one has much more volume than the first, so Archimedes force reduces weight of a cotton more!

Which is heavier 1 cm cubed of cotton or 1 cm cubed of gold?

One cubic centimeter of gold is heavier than one cubic centimeter of cotton because gold has a much higher density than cotton. Density is the measure of how much mass is contained in a given volume, so even if the volumes are the same, the gold will be heavier due to its higher density.

Which one is heavier 1 kg of iron or cotton?

1 kg of iron is heavier than 1 kg of cotton because the weight is determined by the mass of the object, not the material it is made of.

Which one is bigger 1.3kg or 10kg?

10kg as it is 8.7kg bigger than 1.3kg

Which one is heavier 1kg of cotton or 1kg of iron?

They both weigh the same, 1 kg

10kg is how many pounds?

One kg is equal to 2.20462262 pounds. Multiply one kg by 10 and the total is the answer. 10kg is equal to 22.0462262 pounds.

500g of cotton compared to 500g of metal which one is heavier?

500g of metal is heavier than 500g of cotton because metal is denser and has a higher mass-to-volume ratio. The weight of an object is determined by its mass, and in this case, the metal would weigh more than the cotton due to its higher density.

What is heavier pound of gold or pound of cotton?

A pound of gold and a pound of cotton weigh the same because they both weigh one pound. The difference lies in their volume and value, as gold is much denser and more valuable than cotton.

Which one is heavier 1kg iron or 1kg cotton in vacumm?

Both 1kg of iron and 1kg of cotton would have the same weight in a vacuum. Weight is determined by mass, which is the same for both objects in this scenario.

What is heavier one pound of iron or one pound of cotton?

Same. That's an old trick question but feathers were more commonly used than cotton.