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Q: Which one of following is an example of a formatted number using the Currency option?
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What are 5 types of data that can be stored in a cell in an excal spreadsheet?

Text, Date, Time, Logical and number. The numbers can be formatted lots of ways, like as currency or percentage. The number types are all number types, just formatted differently.

Which of the following is an example of an accounting number format?

Currency format: ......$12.00 (dollar sign next to number) Accounting format: $......12.00 (dollar sign at left margin of cell)

What is the output if a cell containing a number 3245.45 is formatted to '?

The output will depend on the formatting applied. If the formatting is to display with a comma as a thousand separator and 2 decimal places, the number 3245.45 would be displayed as 3,245.45.

What are examples of formatting in Excel?

Having numbers shown in particular ways. 3 is an unformatted number €3.00 is it formatted as currency. 300% is it formatted as percentage. You can have text formatted, by having it in different sizes or fonts or colours. Dates can be formatted in different ways, like having them just as numbers or as a mix of words and numbers: 5/3/15 5-Mar-2015 Things can be bolded or underlined or in italics. So there are lots of ways things can be formatted. Formatting also includes the size and shape of cells, and the colours used.

In spreadsheets cells may be formatted to suit many different data like date and time currency number etc?

Yes, that can be done. For example, in Excel, the main data types seem to include dates, text, and numbers - plus various formats for special cases, such as to show percentages.

What is the output if a cell connecting a number 3245.45 if formatted to '' number format?

It depends how the destination cell is formatted. Number format usually allows the user to specify the number of decimal places - from none to as many as you want. If the destination cell has been formatted to two decimal places - the result will be the same as 3245.45

Which of the following is NOT an example of fractals?

the number of spirals on a pineapple

Which of the following in not valid number format category 1 general 2 currency 3 accounting 4 alignment?

4. Alignment.

Which types of data are most likely NOT to be formatted as a text string?

birthdays, school grades, expiratin dates, and anything else that should be formatted as a number

How should numbers be formatted in Microsoft Excel?

Number formats are codes that help determine how numbers look in Excel. Double-click on the text, then click the number tab in the dialog box to see the formatting. You can choose many different types of number formatting, depending on the purpose for displaying the numbers. Some common number formats are currency, time, and percents. See related links to read more information about number formatting.

What is Multi formatted?

A printer that can handle a number of different image files formats

Why do you use formatting in Excel?

For all sorts of reasons. Data is normally entered unformatted, but you want it in a particular way. So you may want a number to be shown as a percentage or as a currency format or with decimal places. To do that you need to format it. For other values such as dates, there are different ways you can display them. Text can be made into different sizes and colours. Times can have their format changed too. Cells can be changed, to be different colours or have borders around them for example. So there are many ways for things to be formatted and this needs to be done in Excel.For all sorts of reasons. Data is normally entered unformatted, but you want it in a particular way. So you may want a number to be shown as a percentage or as a currency format or with decimal places. To do that you need to format it. For other values such as dates, there are different ways you can display them. Text can be made into different sizes and colours. Times can have their format changed too. Cells can be changed, to be different colours or have borders around them for example. So there are many ways for things to be formatted and this needs to be done in Excel.For all sorts of reasons. Data is normally entered unformatted, but you want it in a particular way. So you may want a number to be shown as a percentage or as a currency format or with decimal places. To do that you need to format it. For other values such as dates, there are different ways you can display them. Text can be made into different sizes and colours. Times can have their format changed too. Cells can be changed, to be different colours or have borders around them for example. So there are many ways for things to be formatted and this needs to be done in Excel.For all sorts of reasons. Data is normally entered unformatted, but you want it in a particular way. So you may want a number to be shown as a percentage or as a currency format or with decimal places. To do that you need to format it. For other values such as dates, there are different ways you can display them. Text can be made into different sizes and colours. Times can have their format changed too. Cells can be changed, to be different colours or have borders around them for example. So there are many ways for things to be formatted and this needs to be done in Excel.For all sorts of reasons. Data is normally entered unformatted, but you want it in a particular way. So you may want a number to be shown as a percentage or as a currency format or with decimal places. To do that you need to format it. For other values such as dates, there are different ways you can display them. Text can be made into different sizes and colours. Times can have their format changed too. Cells can be changed, to be different colours or have borders around them for example. So there are many ways for things to be formatted and this needs to be done in Excel.For all sorts of reasons. Data is normally entered unformatted, but you want it in a particular way. So you may want a number to be shown as a percentage or as a currency format or with decimal places. To do that you need to format it. For other values such as dates, there are different ways you can display them. Text can be made into different sizes and colours. Times can have their format changed too. Cells can be changed, to be different colours or have borders around them for example. So there are many ways for things to be formatted and this needs to be done in Excel.For all sorts of reasons. Data is normally entered unformatted, but you want it in a particular way. So you may want a number to be shown as a percentage or as a currency format or with decimal places. To do that you need to format it. For other values such as dates, there are different ways you can display them. Text can be made into different sizes and colours. Times can have their format changed too. Cells can be changed, to be different colours or have borders around them for example. So there are many ways for things to be formatted and this needs to be done in Excel.For all sorts of reasons. Data is normally entered unformatted, but you want it in a particular way. So you may want a number to be shown as a percentage or as a currency format or with decimal places. To do that you need to format it. For other values such as dates, there are different ways you can display them. Text can be made into different sizes and colours. Times can have their format changed too. Cells can be changed, to be different colours or have borders around them for example. So there are many ways for things to be formatted and this needs to be done in Excel.For all sorts of reasons. Data is normally entered unformatted, but you want it in a particular way. So you may want a number to be shown as a percentage or as a currency format or with decimal places. To do that you need to format it. For other values such as dates, there are different ways you can display them. Text can be made into different sizes and colours. Times can have their format changed too. Cells can be changed, to be different colours or have borders around them for example. So there are many ways for things to be formatted and this needs to be done in Excel.For all sorts of reasons. Data is normally entered unformatted, but you want it in a particular way. So you may want a number to be shown as a percentage or as a currency format or with decimal places. To do that you need to format it. For other values such as dates, there are different ways you can display them. Text can be made into different sizes and colours. Times can have their format changed too. Cells can be changed, to be different colours or have borders around them for example. So there are many ways for things to be formatted and this needs to be done in Excel.For all sorts of reasons. Data is normally entered unformatted, but you want it in a particular way. So you may want a number to be shown as a percentage or as a currency format or with decimal places. To do that you need to format it. For other values such as dates, there are different ways you can display them. Text can be made into different sizes and colours. Times can have their format changed too. Cells can be changed, to be different colours or have borders around them for example. So there are many ways for things to be formatted and this needs to be done in Excel.