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Q: Which one of the 3 r does the ccc apply for?
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Centripetal force is the force that keeps an artificial satellite in orbit around a celestial body, such as Earth. It is provided by the gravitational force between the satellite and the planet. The centripetal force acts as the inward force that continually changes the direction of the satellite's motion, allowing it to orbit the planet in a stable path.

What is difference between transferrable and transferable?

first one have 3 "r" and the other one have 2 "r"... nyahahaha

Where you r not apply ohms law?

in transformer

Solve 4r plus 3 equals 3r- 2 for r?

4r +3 = 3r-2 r + 3=-2 r=-5 basically collect terms so that you get one coefficient of r (in this case 4r on one side and 3r on the other. To get the three r over to the other side you subtract 3r on both sides.) Then r+ 3=-2, so that's simple algebraic manipulation.

What is the r value of the following sequence 6 -18 54 -162?

To find the common ration in a geometric sequence, divide one term by its preceding term: r = -18 ÷ 6 = -3 r = 54 ÷ -18 = -3 r = -162 ÷ 54 = -3

Can Babies R Us coupons be used at Toys R Us, as well?

Since Babies R Us and Toys R Us are run by the same company you can usually use coupons from one store at the other. However, some restrictions may apply for individual coupons.

What is 200 equals r divided by 3?


How do you apply for a clan in combat arms?

To apply for a clan you first have to be a rank of R or higher. then go to the clan section, look up watever clan you want, and press, APPLY. you will have to submit a little bit about your combat arms self. personally i would suggest to apply to the clan, death sniper. its the one that i am on and there is 19 members. one more and nobody can comeon. my username is Fallen Raziel.

How was the formula for a sphere originated?

The formula of a sphere, in modern terms, originates from calculus. Given that the area of a circle a(r) = pi*r^2 the definite integration of a(r) from -r to r, the area of the circle rotated around a plane, z, leads to V(r) = definite integral of -r -> r [pi*y^2]dx where r^2 = x^2 + y^2, from the distance formula, so r^2 = x^2 - y^2 V(r) = definite integral of -r -> r [pi(x^2-y^2)]dx V(r) = integral of 0 -> r minus integral of -r -> 0 V(r) = pi(r^3 - (r^3)/3) - pi(-r^3 + (r^3)/3), collect terms V(r) = (2pi*r^3)/3 + (2pi*r^3)/3 V(r) = (4pi*r^3)/3

What is equivalent to 30p4q3r 42p2r - 18p2q2r when it is completely factored?

I'm unclear if this is one giant number or if it's three numbers. The factors of 30p4q3r are three 2's, two 3's, one 5, one p, one q, and one r. The factors of 42p2r are one 2, one 3, one 7, and one r. The factors of 18p2q2r are three 2's, two 3's, one p, one q, and one r. If this is one giant number all multiplied together, then the factors are seven 2's, five 3's, one 5, one 7, two p's, two q's, and three r's.