

Which plot shows distribution?

Updated: 12/20/2022
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Q: Which plot shows distribution?
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This shows how the data set as a whole is spread around the mean?

A frequency distribution plot.

Do stem-and-leaf plots show frequency?

Yes, a stem-and-leaf plot shows the frequency distribution of a variable.

Which graph shows range and distribution of data set as a whole?

A scatter plot. Most other graphs will summarise some of the data.

Which graph shows spread and range of all values in a set of individual data values?

A distribution function or a cumulative distribution function. The spread and range are also immediately apparent from a box [and whiskers] plot.

What is a graph that shows data along a number line?

A dot plot is a type of graph that shows data points along a number line. Each data point is represented by a dot above the corresponding value on the number line. Dot plots are useful for displaying the distribution of data and identifying patterns or outliers.

What plot shows how someone spent over time?

A line plot is the answer you're looking for. A line plot shows change over time.

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The answer depends on what variables the plot shows.

What gives the best representation of the distribution of data?

line plot

What graph shows the distribution of a population?

for plat5o users the answer is an age distribution diagram

What is a distribution of opinion that shows little change over time called?

stable distribution

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Where do you plot most scatter plots?

a scatter plot is a piece of data that shows you how to make a prediction