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They are closed 2-dimensional shapes.

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Q: Which property do the circles polygons have in common?
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What are 4 things polygons have in common?

Your quesion makes no sense. Please elaborate, and i will do my best to provide an answer. You need to tell me what your are comparing polygons to. Ex: What are 4 thing polygons and CIRCLES have in common. your sentence lacks that.

Are circles and ovals polygons?

no straight sides

Are polygons the same things as shapes?

yes. polygons are closed shapes with no curves. i.e. circles are not polygons, squares are, triangles are, ect

Are all circles regular polygons?

A circle is not a polygon, so no.

Why are circles not polygons?

a polygon has all closed sides and no curved sides

Which figures are always similar in geometry?

Circles and all regular polygons.

A diagram included five hexagons eleven circles six decagons nine squares and eleven lines How many polygons are in the diagram?

There are 20.5 + 6 + 9 = 20 (Neither circles nor unclosed linear shapes are polygons.)

What shapes have no right angels and no equal sides?

Circles, some triangles, and irregular polygons

Which shapes are polygons and which are not?

A polygon is a two-dimensional shape enclosed by lines only, not curves. So triangles, squares, rectangles, and octagons are examples of polygons. Circles, ellipses, and annuli are some shapes that are not polygons.

How are prisms and cylinders different?

Prisms have polygons as bases whereas cylinders have circles as bases. In a way, a cylinder is like a circular prism.

Name types of polygons?

Some examples of polygons include circles, triangles, squares, rectangles, pentagons, and hexagons. These are examples of 'simple polygons,' in that none of the lines overlap and intersect each other, such as in a pentagram, which is a 'star polygon.'

Why is a cylinder not a polyhedron?

A polyhedron is a 3 dimensional figure made of polygons. A cylinder is made of two circles and a rectangle around the middle. Since circles are not considered polygons (don't have straight edges), a cylinder cannot be a polyhedron. I just had a discussion about this with my math students today.