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E is a multiple of the speed of light, c is the speed of light, m is merely a mass.

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Q: Which quantity in the equation Emc2 will almost likely be the smallest?
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Which quantity in the equation will most likely be the smallest?

The smallest quantity in an equation is likely to be the coefficient of the variable with the highest degree. This is because the variable with the highest degree will have the most significant impact on the value of the overall expression.

Which quantity in the equation Emc2 will most likely be the smallest?

m apex :)

Which quantity in the equation E equals mc2 will most likely be the smallest?

The quantity that is most likely to be the smallest in the equation E=mc^2 is the mass (m). Mass is typically much smaller than the speed of light squared (c^2), and energy (E) can be significant due to the speed of light's large value.

Which quantity in the equation will most likely be the largest?


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The likely word is "least" (of the smallest quantity or extent).

Which quantity in the equation E equals mc2 will most likely be the largest?

M apex :)

Which quantity in the equation E = mc will most likely be the largest?

The quantity "m" (mass) is most likely to be the largest in the equation E = mc, as mass is typically larger than the speed of light (c) and energy (E) in everyday scenarios.

Which quantity in the equation Emc2 will most likely be the largest?

The correct answer is 'E' This is for Apex users

Which quantity in the equation E equals MC Square will most likely be the largest?

The quantity "E" (energy) will most likely be the largest in the equation E=mc^2 since the speed of light (c) is a very large constant value. This means that even a small amount of mass (m) will result in a large amount of energy.

What will most likely be the smallest in the equation e equals mc2?

Must be m! C is the speed of light and E is a multiple of m.

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