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Q: Which quantity in the equation Emc2 will most likely be the smallest?
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Which quantity in the equation Emc2 will almost likely be the smallest?

E is a multiple of the speed of light, c is the speed of light, m is merely a mass.

Which quantity in the equation Emc2 will most likely be the largest?

The correct answer is 'E' This is for Apex users

What is the smallest quantity in Emc2?

The smallest quantity in E=mc^2 is the mass of a particle or object. This equation shows the equivalence of energy (E) and mass (m) through the speed of light (c). It relates the amount of energy produced when mass is converted into energy.

Is EMC2 a mathematical or scientific equation?

it is a scientific equation made my albert einstein It is the Formula for WATER (EMC2)

Did Einstein create the equation Emc2?


What does the m represent in Einstein equation Emc2?

The mass of an object

How did scientists apply albert Einstein equation EMC2?

nuclear power

What doe the M stand for in the equation EMC2?

Without an equality sign the given letters can't be considered to be an equation.

In the equation Emc2 what does the E stand for?

In Einsteins equation, E mc2, E is energy, m is mass, and c is the speed of light

Which quantity in Emc2 will most likely be the largest?

If you have an equation such as E = mc2 then E is going to have the highest value as it is the product of the other two (if both m and c2 are more than 1).If you did not mean to include "E" then c (the speed of light or the Universal "constant") will likely be the "largest" as this equation is telling us how a small amount of mass can become a huge amount of energy.However, it is not really accurate to talk of "which is the largest" here as the variables are measuring different things (or different aspects of the same thing) and therefore the question does not really apply.

What is the number value in emc2?

E=Mc2 is an equation. The output number value will depend on the input number values

What does the equation Emc2 tell us?

It tells us how much energy is available in any given mass and of course also the reverse.