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Q: Which set of 3 numbers could be the side lengths of a triangle apex?
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If a triangle has side lengths a b and c and if a2 b2 c2 then the converse of the Pythagorean theorem says that the triangle is an?

Right triangle (apex)

A triangle has two sides of lengths 6 and 9. What value could the length of the third side be Check all that apply.?

7, 10, 4 and 12 - apex

What is the apex of a triangle?

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In order to apply the law of cosines to find the measure of an interior angle what is enough to know?

The lengths of all three sides of the triangle APEX:)

Which set of values could be the side lenghts of a 30 60 90 triangle?

There cannot be an integral set of values. The lengths need to be in the ratio 1 : sqrt(3) : 2.

Could the segments 6 5 12 form a triangle?

false apex

Is the apex of a triangle count as a corner?

The apex counts as one of the three corners of a triangle.

What formula do you use to find the median in an isosceles triangle?

It is not possible to answer the question since it is hopelessly underspecified and does not provide enough information.what information about the triangle is known? All three side lengths, base angle and base side, base angle and leg, apex angle and base, apex angle and leg? These could influence the form of the the information about the triangle in terms of analytical geometry (coordinates of points and equations of lines) or in some other form?which median? The median from the apex or one of the isosceles medians?what aspect of the median is the formula supposed to give? Its length, equation?

Does a triangle have apex?

Yes if it is an isosceles triangle.

Leg of a triangle?

It is usually a side from the apex of the triangle to the base. However, in the case of a right angled triangle a leg could refer to the two sides which define the right angle.

If a triangle has side lengths a b and c and if a2 plus b2 equals c2 then the says that the triangle is a right triangle?

no because even if a2 and b2 both add up to c2, it doesnt mean that they are the same length. one could be long and the other short but still add up to c2. a2 and c2 have to be equal to be a right angle. (apex) converse to the Pythagorean theorem

What is the tip or a triangle called?

The vertex or the apex. I prefer apex to describe the upper most tip of a triangle.