

Best Answer

It is not possible to answer the question since it is hopelessly underspecified and does not provide enough information.

  1. what information about the triangle is known? All three side lengths, base angle and base side, base angle and leg, apex angle and base, apex angle and leg? These could influence the form of the answer.
  2. is the information about the triangle in terms of analytical geometry (coordinates of points and equations of lines) or in some other form?
  3. which median? The median from the apex or one of the isosceles medians?
  4. what aspect of the median is the formula supposed to give? Its length, equation?

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Q: What formula do you use to find the median in an isosceles triangle?
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You can find it by using the Pythagorean theorem if you know the side and the base of triangle. In an isosceles triangle the median is also the altitude. The formula is: (The measure of the side length)^2 - (The measure of the one half of the base length )^2 = (The measure of the altitude)^2. Find the square root of the result that you'll have the measure of the altitude.

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What is the formula to find the area of an isosceles triangle?

For all triangles: area = 1/2 * base * height

How do you find the side of an isosceles triangle?

An isosceles triangle has 3 sides 2 of which are equal in length

How do you verify that a triangle is isosceles?

The step to verify an isosceles triangle is: 1) Find the intersection points of the lines. 2) Find the distance for each intersection points. 3) If 2 of the distance are the same then it is an isosceles triangle.

What is the Surface area of isosceles triangle?

Ok to find the area of an isosceles triangle: Find the height first, to do this use this formula: Height = Square root ( one side square - half the base square) Now that you have the height you can calculate the area by the use of this formula: Area = (1/2)(base)(height) This will give you the surface area of an isosceles triangle. Lets do an example: You have a triangle that has two sides that measure 24 meters and a base of 20 meters. Using the formula above for height you will get a height of 21.8 meters Now use the formula above to find the area and it will give you an area of 218 meters square

How do you find the hypoteneuse of an isosceles right triangle?

It is very unlikely for a right angle triangle to be isosceles, however it is possible if the angles are 90, 45, and 45 degrees. It does not matter if the triangle is isosceles, this method works for all right triangles. The following formula is your answer, when h=hypotenuse, and a and b are other two sides. a2 + b2 = h2

How do you find the volume of a rectangular isosceles triangle?

Sorry, there is no such thing as a rectangular triangle.

How do you find the measures of the angles in a right isosceles triangle?

If a triangle is an isosceles triangle as well as being a right-angled triangle, the size of the two angles (that are not right angles) are 45 degrees.

How do you find the base and height of an isosceles triangle?

An isosceles triangle has 2 equal base angles and its height is perpendicular from its apex to the centre of its base

How do you find the volume of a 3D isosceles triangle?

V= area of the triangle x length