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Q: Which shape could you join to make the square above?
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What shape has 15 square units and a perimeter of 18 units?

Make a 3x3 box and a 2x6 box, and join them connecting 2 of the lines.

What 3 d shape has 16 vertices?

just as you extract a cube out of a square, when you extract a 3d object from an octagon then it would have 16 vertices. it has 16 vertices, 10 faces 24 edges. i think you were asking about a tesseract it is not a 3d shape but is 4d. just as a cube for a square,tesseract is for cube. it looks like a smaller cube inside a larger cube where all corners of larger one are connected to smaller one respectively. making this simple join two points = line join two parallel lines = square join two parallel squares= cube join two parallel cubes = tesseract. .

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You Have To Be At least 13 or Above To Join HabboK

How can you join in mybrutecom?

go to___________ _________and there's a body shape with a ? mark on it and above that write the name you want then click the boton that looks like a human shape below the ?. and choose your type and you can change color by pressing the button on to the right

Do the diagonals of a parallelogram bisect each other at a right angle?

Only for a square or rhombus (diamond shape). The diagonals of a rectangle bisect each other, but are not perpendicular and do not bisect the opposite angles they join.

How do you draw a polygon?

draw a square , mark a point at the center then mark the points at the sides of the square according to the amount of sides.then join the points , at last erase the unwanted lines inside the formed shape,and you are done.

What shape can you create when you join two squares and a rectangle?

a rectangle

Which phrase is most correct Could i join you or can i join you?

"Can I join you?" is the most correct phrase. "Could I join you?" is also acceptable but may sound slightly more formal.

What does vertices of a shape mean?

Vertices = Corners

What shape can you create when you join two squares?


How many square faces are there in a square base pyramid?

there is one square face, and then four triangular faces that join at the vertex.

How do you convert meters into square meters?

When you have a shape which is X metres by Y metres, you multiply the X by the Y and the result is the area of the shape in square metres. Imagine a shape 5 metres by 3 metres. 3 x 5 = 15 square metres. To prove this, mark off the metres along all the sides of the shape. Then use straight lines to join the marks on one of the long sides to the corresponding mark on the opposite side. Do the same for the narrow sides. Now, you will have 3 rows of squares - each row being 5 squares long... and if you count the squares you will see that you have 15. The above answer is mathematically flawed. The question cannot be answered sensibly. A square metre is a measure of area, with dimensions [L2]. A metre is a measure of distance, with dimensions [L]. The two measure different things and basic dimensional analysis teaches that you cannot convert between measures with different dimensions such as these without additional information.