Lots of shapes. To start with, an irregular blob (that is a technical term)!
Shapes are not parallel or perpendicular. Lines are.Every side of a rectangle is parallel to the side opposite it,and perpendicular to both of the sides next to it.
These lines are perpendicular: _|
Lines that aren't perpendicular
Right triangles have a set of perpendicular lines and no parallel lines.
Some do, some don't.
Put 2 lines on the perpendicular sides and put 1 line for the parallel sides
Diamonds come in all shapes and sizes, which determine the number of perpendicular lines (assuming you are referring to the edges as the lines) so there is no one number of lines or perpendicular lines on a diamond.
Lots of shapes. To start with, an irregular blob (that is a technical term)!
Shapes are not parallel or perpendicular. Lines are.Every side of a rectangle is parallel to the side opposite it,and perpendicular to both of the sides next to it.
Well, honey, perpendicular lines meet at a right angle, so any shape with right angles can have perpendicular lines. That means squares, rectangles, and even some funky trapezoids can have those bad boys. Just keep those lines straight and at a perfect 90-degree angle, and you're good to go.
= parallel + perpendicular As such no, perpendicular lines do not naturally have parallel lines. However...connect the lines in the symbols below. ++ ++ And you'll have 4 perpendicular lines, and 4 parallel lines.
Perpendicular lines intersect.
These lines are perpendicular: _|
Lines that aren't perpendicular