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Q: Which side of the triangle is taken away if you put out a fire with?
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Do the fire service remove fire blankets from a fire?

the fire blanket removes one side of the fire triangle

What happens when fuel with an adequate supply of oxygen is exposed to enough heat?

It will ignite. Fire safety courses often give what they call the 'Fire Triangle' diagram: an equilateral triangle with its sides labelled one each of Fuel, Oxygen, Heat. Take away any one - shown by covering that side of the triangle - and the fire will either not start or will go out.

How do you put a plane fire out?

By using a fire extinguisher, which will take away the oxygen. this means that the fire triangle will lose a side. the fire triangle consists of 3 things, heat/fuel/oxygen. when doing this you have to use the right extinguisher. for plane fires use water foam to separate the fuel from the oxygen. (water foam is like foam bubbles but a lot more sticky)

Which side of the fire triangle is removed by a firebreak?

A fire triangle consist of Fuel (Bushes), Heat (Fire) and Oxygen and the three combine creates a chemical chain reaction.In this case the fuel is removed so if there is nothing to burn you have no fire.

What are the 3 sides of the fire triangle?

HEAT Heat, the first side of the fire triangle, can come from many sources. It can be generated by sparks from welding operations, discarded cigarette butts, electrical shorts, frayed wiring, friction from power tools, and hot exhaust pipes. FUEL Fuel, the second side of the fire triangle, may be liquid, such as gasoline or solvents; a solid, such as paper or wood scraps; or a gas, such as propane. AIR Air, the third side of the fire triangle, contains oxygen which is necessary to sustain a fire. This is one side of the triangle we can't do much about. Air is usually present.Heat, fuel, and air must be in the proper proportion for fire to occur. It is possible to have these three ingredients without causing a fire. For example, there may not be enough heat or air to ignite the fuel and cause it to burn.

Where can the lines contain the altitude of an obtuse triangle intersect?

They can only intersect at the circumcentre, which is a point outside the triangle, beyond the side opposite the obtuse angle.

What are the three points of a fire triangle?

The three elements of the fire triangle that must be present are Heat, Oxygen, and Fuel. This has recently been changed though from the fire triangle to the fire tetrahedron. This includes Heat, Oxygen, and Fuel as well. But, it also contains a fourth, chemical reaction.

State and explain triangle law of vector?

if two vectors are represented in magnitude and direction by the two sides of a triangle taken in one order ,their resultant vector is represented by the third side of the triangles taken in reverse order

How do firefighters use the fire triangle to stop fires?

The fire triangle consists of three components - Heat, Oxygen and Fuel. All three MUST exist together for a source of ignition to start a fire, which in effect is a chemical reaction. If you remove one of these elements, then the reaction can not occur and hence, no fire.

What is the Good side and bad side of fire?

YOU COULD GET BURT this isn't a funny thing stay away

What are 2 other ways to put out a fire without using a fire extinguisher that might be used at an airport by fire departments and at home?

Fire is like a triangle. It is made up of oxygen, what is burning, and what is making it burn. If you take out one side of the triangle, then the fire will go out. Two other ways to put out a fire would be to smother it or to cut off its oxygen supply.

What is triangular law state?

If 2 forces acting at a point are represented by 2 sides of a triangle taken in order, then the 3rd side taken in opposite order,represents the resultant