It is not any kind of simply connected solid figure because it does not satisfy the Euler characteristic which requires thatFaces + Vertices = Edges + 2It is not any kind of simply connected solid figure because it does not satisfy the Euler characteristic which requires thatFaces + Vertices = Edges + 2It is not any kind of simply connected solid figure because it does not satisfy the Euler characteristic which requires thatFaces + Vertices = Edges + 2It is not any kind of simply connected solid figure because it does not satisfy the Euler characteristic which requires thatFaces + Vertices = Edges + 2
If you are a solid figure with no vertices or edges, then you are a Sphere.From the lighter side: And that means that we can no longer be friends...
rectangular pyramid
triangular prism
It is not any kind of simply connected solid figure because it does not satisfy the Euler characteristic which requires thatFaces + Vertices = Edges + 2It is not any kind of simply connected solid figure because it does not satisfy the Euler characteristic which requires thatFaces + Vertices = Edges + 2It is not any kind of simply connected solid figure because it does not satisfy the Euler characteristic which requires thatFaces + Vertices = Edges + 2It is not any kind of simply connected solid figure because it does not satisfy the Euler characteristic which requires thatFaces + Vertices = Edges + 2
It is a sphere
If you are a solid figure with no vertices or edges, then you are a Sphere.From the lighter side: And that means that we can no longer be friends...
It has 8 vertices.
There is no limit to the number of vertices that a solid figure can have.
a sphere
A pentagon
a tetrahedron
A solid figure with eight vertices and all faces of equal size is called a cube. Each face of a cube is a square, and a cube has 8 vertices and 6 faces.
Heptagonal prism