

Which solid has twelve faces?

Updated: 12/16/2022
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Q: Which solid has twelve faces?
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Twelve regular pentagons comprise the faces of a dodecahedron.

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WHAT IS A SOLID WITH TWELVE faces and 30 edgesis a dodecahedron.

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How many pentagons to make a 3d pentagon?

If you are thinking of a solid with pentagonal faces, a dodecahedron, there are twelve pentagons

What makes a solid a regular platonic solid?

A Platonic solid is a solid all of whose face are regular and congruent polygons.There are five of these:A Tetrahedron. Four faces, each an equilateral triangle.Ad InfoA Hexahedron (Cube). Six faces, each a square.An Octahedron. Eight faces, each an equilateral triangle.A Dodecahedron. Twelve faces, each a regular pentagon.An Icosahedron. Twenty faces, each an equilateral triangle.

This 3d shape has 12 faces?

A dodecahedron. A dodecahedron is any polyhedron with twelve faces, but usually a regular dodecahedron is meant. It is a Platonic solid composed of twelve regular pentagonal faces, with three meeting at each vertex. It has twenty (20) vertexes and thirty (30) edges. The dodecahedron would be the Platonic solid with the largest volume if all were made with edges of the same length.

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Twelve faces.

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A dodecahedron has twelve pentagonal faces.

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'Enneahedron' - a solid figure with nine faces

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A solid figure with twenty faces is called an Icosahedron.