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Q: Which subjects are mandatory in grade 11?
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Why are essays mandatory for all professions?

They are not mandatory in many subjects. In fact they are wholly inappropriate in some.

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CST 7th grade subjects are Pre Algebra and English

Can anyone suggest online tutoring sites for science help?

General Science is mandatory subjects for every grade. There are numbers of sites which provides online tutoring services for General Science help, such as the one at the link below:

What do kids think about mandatory homework?

Homework already is mandatory - if you don't do it, you get a bad grade

What subjects are offered in Danish schools?

Danish, english, german, maths, science, history, biology, sports, arts, craftsmanship, cooking, music, religion, social science. Those are mandatory subjects in primary school (0th to 9th grade) Some school also offer e.g. french, theather, outdoor, choir.

Which subjects do you need to have if you want to be a lawyer from grade 10-12?

i thing so english,ecnomics and pak study

Why shouldn't grade 8 students choose their own subjects?

I believe we should be choosing our subjects

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What are the subjects in 6th grade?

English maths and science

Will you pass 8th grade with an f in music?

If it is an elective, probably.but if it is mandatory, maybe not.

What subjects are mandatory in o level to become a doctor?

Answer this question... Maths physical,biology english and history

How many subjects student select 12 class?

In the UK it is mandatory, so the question of selection does not arise.