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Q: Which term describes a small raised red lesion less than 0.5 centimeter in diameter?
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A small raised red lesion that is less than 0.5 centimeter in diameter?


What is the medical term meaning blue discoloration of the skin?

Cyanosis is a bluishdiscoloration of the skin and mucous membranes resulting from inadequate oxygenation of the blood. "Cyan" is a word that means, "Blue".

What kind of skin lesion is a pustule?

A raised lesion filled with pus. A pustule is usually the result of an infection, such as acne, imptigeo, or boils.

What is the difference between a bulla and a vesicle?

A bulla is a fluid-filled blister larger than 5mm in diameter, typically associated with conditions like pemphigus or burns. A vesicle, on the other hand, is a small fluid-filled blister less than 5mm in diameter, commonly seen in conditions like herpes or chickenpox.

What is the difference between a pustule and a vesicle -?

vesicle is a raised skin lesion that contain serous fluid. this serous fluid may contain traces of blood or pus. while pustules are raised skin lesion that contain only pus.

What is the difference between a pustule and a vesicle?

A pustule is a raised lesion filled with pus, which is usually a sign of infection or inflammation. A vesicle is a small, fluid-filled blister that can result from various causes such as burns, allergic reactions, or viral infections.

Cubic centimeter abbreviation?

cubic centimeter is abbreviated as or otherwise cm^3 (cm. raised to the power of 3) and centimeter as simply cm.

What is the diameter of atom in cm?

10 raised to the power -12

I have a red circle that is raised on the edges it is one inch in diameter and on my neck what could this be?

An insect bite could cause?æ one inch diameter red circle that has raised edges. It could be from a spider.

What skin lesion is elevated and is semisolid or contains some fluid?

A skin lesion that is elevated, semisolid, and contains some fluid is most likely a papule. Papules are small, solid, raised bumps on the skin that may be filled with pus, fluid, or tissue. This type of lesion is commonly seen in conditions like acne, insect bites, and chickenpox.

What is the term that describes a raised island in the Everglades?

Hummock or pocosin.

What word best describes the word Raised?

I would say elevated.