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2sin(x), or 5.4cos(y), tan(z)

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Q: Which trigonometric factor can be greater than 1?
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When they have a common prime factor. When their GCF is greater than 1.

What is the difference between a growth factor less than 1 and growth factor greater than 1?

The answer depends on the sign of the growth factor which is less than 1. There is no factor that is "less then 1"!If the first term is 0, the growth factor has no effect.A positive growth factor less than 1 results in a sequence that decreases towards 0. A growth factor greater than 1 results in a sequence that increases without limit if the initial value is positive, or decreases without limit (towards minus infinity) if the first term is negative.

What is a factor of 39 that is greater than 1?

3, 13, 39