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Q: Which type of graph would be best for showing all the different heights of students in a class?
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What type of graph would be best to use for representing the heights of the students in a math class while still showing their individual heights?

You can use graph paper

Why do students in a class vary in height?

All the people have different heights, no matter what their age is. Some students in a class would be eating a particular kind of food, or being fan of sports or just studios, which decides their height. And not all students are of the same age in a class. There may be students with late admissions, etc. And in colleges or universities the ages may vary upto 3-4 years.

What is math class?

Math class is a class which is taught to students in a school (elementary through highschool) It is a class which teaches different strategy's to to students to solve different math equations.

Why do you use different types graphs?

You use different types of graphs for illustrating different things. You should use the same type of graph if you are showing similar information for different subjects - for example, if you use a bar chart to show the heights of boys in a class you should probably use a bar chart to show the heights of girls, or to show the boys' mass.

How many different groups of 8 students can you create from a class of thirty students?

30C8 = 5,852,925

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A chart showing the different social classes under the feudal system?

A chart showing the different social classes under the feudal system is represented by a triangle. The lowest class in society can be found at the bottom while the highest class is at the topmost.

How many ways can a group of 3 students be chosen from a class of 30 students?

3 students can be chosen from a class of 30 in (30 x 29 x 28) = 24,360 ways.But each group of the same 3 students will be chosen in six different ways.The number of different groups of 3 is 24,360/6 = 4,060 .

How can the teacher not be so boring?

To make the class more engaging, the teacher can incorporate multimedia, group activities, hands-on projects, real-world examples, and interactive discussions. They can also vary their teaching methods to cater to different learning styles and interests among students. Building positive relationships with students, showing enthusiasm for the subject, and encouraging participation can also help keep the class interesting.

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How can you use the word class's in a sentence?

The teacher divided the students into different class's based on their academic abilities.