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Q: Is this a permutation In how many different ways could a committee of 5 students be chosen from a class of 25 students?
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How many way can a committee four b chosen from group of 6?


How many ways can a committee of 4 people be chosen from 10 people?

Either 5040 or 210, depending on a whether order is important. Keep reading.Four slots. First slot: 10 people to choose from 2nd slot: 9 people left (1 is already chosen) 3rd: 8 4th: 710*9*8*7=5040, assuming, of course, the people are chosen randomly and no one person can be on the committee twice.But then we need to adjust this figure because there will be some duplication, since if Ben, George, Sue, and Jill are chosen for example, there are different ways that they can be chosen and all four of these same people are still on the committee. This is much like when Lotto balls are draw - you don't really care what order the balls are drawn as long as you match them up. So the number of ways that 4 people can be arranged in 4 positions is 4! = 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 = 24. So dividing 5040 by 24 will give you the number of possible committee selections, assuming that it doesn't matter which order they are chosen.

How many ways can a committee of 4 people be chosen from 10 people if 2 are managers and to employees?

The answer will depend on what "and to employees" means. Also, there is no information about the ten candidates. It they contain only one manager, for example, the answer is that the required committee cannot be chosen.The answer will depend on what "and to employees" means. Also, there is no information about the ten candidates. It they contain only one manager, for example, the answer is that the required committee cannot be chosen.The answer will depend on what "and to employees" means. Also, there is no information about the ten candidates. It they contain only one manager, for example, the answer is that the required committee cannot be chosen.The answer will depend on what "and to employees" means. Also, there is no information about the ten candidates. It they contain only one manager, for example, the answer is that the required committee cannot be chosen.

How many ways can 4 people be chosen from a group of 9. tell whether the situation is a permutation or combination then solve?

This situation is a combination, since from a group of 9 people, 4 are chosen and the order in which they are chosen is not important. So we have9C4 = (9 x 8 x 7 x 6 )/(4 x 3 x 2 x 1) = 126.The following explanation will tell you why we got this result.The first person can be any one of 9.The second person can be any one of the remaining 8.The third person can be any one of the remaining 7.The fourth person can be any one of the remaining 6.The number of ways to make this choice of 4 people is (9 x 8 x 7 x 6) = 3,024.This is a permutation, and that's what the question asked for when it asked ... "How many ways ... ".But not all of the groups chosen in these 3,024 ways are different groups. In fact, each differentgroup will show up 24 times, because 4 people can be arranged (4 x 3 x 2 x 1) = 24 ways.So the number of combinations, i.e. different groups of 4 people, is (3,024 / 24) = 126.

Are courses that allow other students to explore other areas they may want to learn outside of their chosen major?


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How many ways can a committeee of 6 be chosen from 5 teachers and 4 students if the committee must includes three teachers and three students?

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20 * 19 * 18 * 17 = 116,280 ways This is Permutation: nPr = n! / (n-r)!

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3 students can be chosen from a class of 30 in (30 x 29 x 28) = 24,360 ways.But each group of the same 3 students will be chosen in six different ways.The number of different groups of 3 is 24,360/6 = 4,060 .

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if order does not matter then, (23x22x21x20x19)/(5x4x3x2x1) = 33,649

How many ways can a committee of 6 be chosen from 5 teachers and 4 students if all are equally eligible?

There are 84 different combinations possible for the committee of 6, taken from4 students and 5 teachers.1.- The committee with 4 students has 4C4 number of combinations of 4 students out of 4 and 5C2 number of combinations of 2 teachers out of 5 to be combined with. The product of these two give the number of different combinations possible in a committee formed by 4 students and 2 teachers.2.- The committee with 3 students has 4C3 number of combinations of 3 students out of 4 and 5C3 number of combinations of 3 teachers out of 5 to be combined with. The product of these two give the number of different combinations possible in a committee formed by 3 students and 6 teachers.3.- The committee with 2 students has 4C2 number of combinations of 2 studentsout of 4 and 5C4 number of combinations of 4 teachers out of 5 to be combined with. The product of these two give the number of different combinations possible in a committee formed by 2 students and 4 teachers.4.- The committee with 1 student has 4C1 number of combinations of 1 student out of 4 students and 5C5 number of combinations of 5 teachers out of 5 to be combined with. The product of these two give the number of different combinations possible in a committee formed by 1 student and 5 teachers.We now add up all possible combinations:4C4∙5C2 + 4C3∙5C3 + 4C2∙5C4 + 4C1∙5C5 = 1(10) + 4(10) +6(5) + 4(1) = 84There are 84 different combinations possible for the committee of 6, taken from4 students and 5 teachers.[ nCr = n!/(r!(n-r)!) ][ n! = n(n-1)(n-2)∙∙∙(3)(2)(1) ]

How are committee chairmen chosen?

Committee chairmen are chosen based on seniority, expertise, and party affiliation in the U.S. Congress. In general, the majority party in Congress selects committee chairmen, usually based on recommendations from party leaders. Chairmanships can also be influenced by internal committee rules and traditions.

How are members of a conference committee chosen?

They are chosen by the leaders of the house and senate.

How do you become a chairperson?

Get appointed to a committee. Sooner or later you will be chosen as the chair of the committee, and voila!

How many ways can a committee of 3 students be chosen from a total count of 1514 students?

The first member chosen can be any one of 1,514 students.The second member chosen can be any one of the remaining 1,513 students.The third member chosen can be any one of the remaining 1,512 students.So there are (1,514 x 1,513 x 1,512) ways to choose three students.But for every group of three, there are (3 x 2 x 1) = 6 different orders in which the same 3 can be chosen.So the number of `distinct, unique committees of 3 students is(1514 x 1513 x 1512) / 6 = 577,251,864

Are the winter Olympics held in the Alps?

They might be. The Winter Olympics are held in different places around the world as chosen by the Olympic Committee.

The committee chairperson is chosen based on seniority?

It is true that the committee chairperson is chosen based on seniority. This is the individual that presides over the meetings that take place within the Senate.

How are house and senate committee chairmen chosen?
