

Best Answer

Parallelogram, trapezoid, rhombus and a kite are some of them

Note that a square and a rectangle have diagonals of equal lengths

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Q: Which type of quadilateral has diagonals which are not equal?
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Which quadilateral shape has got diagonals of equal sides?

A square and a rectangle have diagonals of equal lengths

Which shape has diagonals which are equal?

Any rectangle will have diagonals that are equal. Don't forget that since squares are also a special type of rectangle that they would also have congruent diagonals as well.

Are the diagonals of a kite equal?

No, the diagonals are not equal.

What is a quadilateral with opposite sides that are parallel and of equal length?

a square

Are the diagonals of a rhombus equal?

No. The diagonals of rhombus are not equal.

Does rhombus have equal diagonals?

No. The diagonals of rhombus are not equal.

Are the diagonals of a rhombus equal in lenght?

No. The diagonals of rhombus are not equal.

What quarilateral has equal diagonals?

A square and a rectangle both have diagonals of equal lengths

Do the diagonals of a rectangle have to be perpendicular?

Nope, in order for the diagonals to be perpendicular the shape must be a square (which I guess is a type of rectangle :). The diagonals will cross, but not at a 90degree angle, unless the sides are of equal length.Not unless the rectangle has 4 equal sides, making it a squre.

What type of figure must a quadrilateral be if its diagonals are perpendicular bisectors of each other and are congruent?

It is a square because its diagonals are equal in length and they bisect each other at right angles which is 90 degrees The diagonals of a rhombus are not equal in length but they meet at right angles.

Are the diagonals of a rectangle equal sometimes always or never?

Diagonals are normally equal in lengths

What type of quadilateral always has at least three congruent angles?

A rectangle.