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A regular tessellation.

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Q: Which type of tessellation uses one type of regular polygon to cover a surfaces completely?
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A tessellation is a tessellation which uses only one regular polygon to cover a surface completely?


A regular tessellation is a tessellation which uses what regular to cover a surface completely?

polygon Good Luck with

A regular tessellation is a tessellation which uses only one regular to cover a surface completely?

true.. and polygon

Which type of tessellation uses one type of regular polygon to cover a surface completely?

It is a regular tessellation.

What type of tessellation uses one type of regular polygon to cover a surface completely?

If it also covers a surface without overlap, then it is a regular tessellation.

A tessellation that uses more than one kind of regular polygon is called an?

A tessellation that uses more than one kind of regular polygon is called a semi-regular tessellation.

What is a tessellation formed by only one type of regular polygon?

It is a regular tessellation.

Is the quadrilateral tessellation a regualr tessellation?

No, it is not because a quadrilateral is generally not a regular polygon.

A tessellation that uses more than one kind of regular polygon is called?

Semi-regular tessellation

What is the difference between a regular tessellation and a semi regular one?

A regular tessellation uses only one regular polygon. A semi-regular tessellation is based on two or more regular polygons.

Which best describes a semi-regular tessellation?

a tessellation that uses more than one type of regular polygon

A tessellation that uses more than one kind of regular polygon is called a(n) tessellation.?
