The bit. One bit contains a binary memory cell that will return a 1 or a zero.
In abstract terms, the bit tells the system the answer to ONE UNAMBIGUOUS question with a yes or a no. In Boolean math it is called true or false.
In hardware terms, when current flows through the cell, it will either boost it (High=1=Yes) or lower it (Low=0=No) returning the answer to the question.
For making accurate arithmetic calculation, you must always use integers (-infinity...-4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4....infinity) using floating point numbers or floats (3.14, 1.7, 0.99999999999....etc) is banned by the IEEE and ISO 9000 and other standards organizations for good reason, if your ERP system uses floats and calculates enough transaction using floats, you will either lose tons of $ or have some 'splainin to do to clients and the IRS.
if the calculation involves money use integers.... so $1.50 must be read in as 150 cents and returned as another integer (let's say we calculated the tax and the answer is $1.61, the integer 161 must be returned and converted to $1.61 OUTSIDE of the program that did the financial calculation).
Point = use ints whenever poss. and always use ints for $.
The abacus was an instrument used by Greeks and Romans for arithmetic calculations, preceding the slide-rule and the electronic calculator, and consisted of perforated pebbles sliding on iron bars.
centimeters is the best unit but millimeters can also be used.
Standard Unit is a language used for writing programs for computer systems.
W = FD the unit used in force is joule(J), and for force is newton(N), distance is meter(M)
First of all CPU Is a term used to describe Central Processing Unit and that is also known as the Processor. Alu - Arithmetic Logic Unit is the same as Maths Calculation except it is related for the Computer term as to how the processor works. i will write about it more later on today enough for now. First of all CPU Is a term used to describe Central Processing Unit and that is also known as the Processor. Alu - Arithmetic Logic Unit is the same as Maths Calculation except it is related for the Computer term as to how the processor works. i will write about it more later on today enough for now.
The arithmetic logic unit (ALU) is responsible for performing arithmetic and logical operations, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and comparison. It is a critical component of the central processing unit (CPU) and is used to process data and perform computations in a computer system.
The CPU is in charge of processing the data. In more detail, the ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit) is in charge of executing logical and arithmetic operations. The ALU is a component of the CPU.
Math and arithmetic
The first computer used for calculation is highly dependent on what you consider a computer to be. In many views, the first computer used for calculations was the abacus which dates back to 2400 BC.
The Z1 was a mechanical digital computer built by Konrad Zuse in Germany in the late 1930s. It was binary and did only floating point arithmetic. It had a Harvard Architecture. Hope that helps. The Z2 used the mechanical memory of the Z1, but replaced the mechanical floating point arithmetic unit with a relay integer arithmetic unit. The Z3 was all relays with only floating point arithmetic, but was destroyed by bombs in WW2. After WW2 he resumed making better and better computers.
alu is arithematic logic unit. it is a part of computer system. it performs arithematic operations like +,-,*,/etc.alu is arithematic logic unit. it is a part of computer system. it performs arithematic operations like +,-,*,/etc.
The class midpoint
No the ALU or arithmetic logic unit is a high speed maths co-processor. At one time it used to be a separate chip but these days its usually created as part of the CPU.
It is usually the midpoint of the class.
The device that is used for calculation is a calculator. However, in computers, the part of the device that is used for computation would be the CPU, or the central processing unit.