It must be the unit of the measurement that you are converting FROM.
The unit that is used in the denominator is the one to cancels the unit that appears in a numerator.
The denominator must contain the unit that you wish to cancel in the numerator of the other number.
It is the units for the measurement which you are converting FROM.
A unit need not have any denominator.
It must be the unit of the measurement that you are converting FROM.
The unit that is used in the denominator is the one to cancels the unit that appears in a numerator.
The denominator must contain the unit that you wish to cancel in the numerator of the other number.
It is the units for the measurement which you are converting FROM.
These are the units which are used for the measurement that you are converting FROM.
There is no such unit. For example, the denominator for Celsius to Fahrenheit is 9, for F to C is 5.
No. The denominator must be 1 for a unit rate. UNIT means ONE.
The numerator must contain the unit INTO which you are converting.
The unit that is used in the denominator is the one to cancels the unit that appears in a numerator.
A unit need not have any denominator.
A unit rate is a ratio in which the numerator or denominator is 1 unit.
A unit rate always has a 1 as a denominator.