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Q: Which week could a sunflower reach a height of 3m explain?
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When did Franklin invent the long reach device?

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When did Benjamin Franklin invent the long reach device?

He did this so he could reach his books rom a taller height.

Does it take a week for sunflower to grow?

It takes a lot longer than a week for a sunflower plant to reach maturity.

What height could moas grow up to?

Moas can grow up to over 3m in height. They can also reach 250kg with their neck stretched out.

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What is the formula for calculating the reach of a person based on their height using a stack and reach calculator?

The formula for calculating reach using a stack and reach calculator is: Reach Height x 0.53.

What does stop height mean?

The maximum height the roller coaster can/will reach

What age do most girls reach their full height?

it varies. they mostly stop growing once they go through puberty.On average, girls reach full height at 16 and boys reach their full height at 18-20.

Can a tsunami wave reach cloud height?

No, tsunami waves typically do not reach cloud height. Tsunamis are caused by undersea earthquakes, landslides, or volcanic eruptions and travel horizontally across the ocean. When they approach shallower waters near the coast, they can increase in height and become destructive, but they do not reach the height of clouds in the sky.

What is the height of a ADA compliant wall Telephone?

The ADA states: Side-reach Telephone: The Maximum height is 54". If side-reach Occurs over an obstruction 24" wide and 34" high, the maximum height allowed is 46" Forward-reach Telephone: The maximum Height allowed is 48". If forward-reach Occurs over an obstruction 20"to 25", the maximum height allowed is 44"

A certain tree duoubled its height every day it took100 days for the tree to reach its full height How many days did it take it to reach half its full height?

99 days

When You Drop An Object From A Certain Height It Takes Time T To Reach The Ground With No Air Resistance. If You Dropped It From Three Times That Height How Long Would It Take To Reach The Ground?

When an object is dropped from a certain height, the time it takes to reach the ground is independent of the height (assuming no air resistance). Therefore, whether you drop the object from three times the initial height or the original height, it will still take the same time (T) to reach the ground.