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Person, that is an old joke. Answer is that they all weigh the same amount.

well if i had to choose from the two options, i would say the first (1lb of bricks1lb of feathers) because this would equal 2 lbs, one pound more than a pound of cheese.

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Q: Which weighs more-1lb of bricks1lb of feathers or 1lb of cheese?
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Which weighs more pound of cheese or pound of feathers?

Each weighs a pound so neither weights more than the other..

Which ways more a pound of bricks cheese or feathers?

a pound is a pound is a pound!!!a pound of anything always weighs a pound doesn't matter if it is feathers or bricks!!!

What weighs more 1 lb of bricks or 1lb of feathers or 1lb of cheese?

They all way the same: 1lb

Which weighs more-a pound of cheese bricks or feathers?

Cheese bricks, obviously. Actualy if it's a pound of cheese, a pound of bricks, or a pound of feathers they al way the same,, no matter how much it seems that a pound of feathers is the lightest,,there all 1 pound! ^_^

What weighas more a pound of bricks a ponud of cheese or a pound of feathers?

All weighs a pound. So all will weigh the same

Which one ways more a pound of bricks cheese or feathers?

They both weigh the same- a pound of anything always weighs the same.

Which weighs more 1 pound of bricks a pound of feathers or a pound of cheese?

All of them weigh the same, because there is one pound each item.

Brick or chesse of feathers which one weighs more?

One kilogram of brick weighs as much as one kilogram of feathers. (I do not know what a "chesse of feathers" is...)

Which weighs more 1 pd of bricks 1 pd of feathers or 1 pd of cheese?

They are each 1 pound, therefore, none are heavier than the other.

Which weighs more a pile of bricks a pile of feathers or a pile of cheese?

They are both the same. They both weigh 100lb. However, 100lb of feathers weighs more than 100lb of gold, as feathers are measured on the Avoirdupois scale which has 16 ounces to the pound, and Gold, being a precious metal, is weighed on the Troy scale where there are only 12 ounces to the pound.

Hat weighs more sugar or feathers?

1 lb of sugar weighs exactly the same as 1lb of feathers. a pound is a pound is a pound.

Which weighs more concrete or feathers?
