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Q: Who are you more likely to give a tip of 2?
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What is Wing tip to wing tip?

Two or more planes flying in formation with the ends of their wings almost touching.ANS 2 - Wing tip to wing tip is also a way of expressing the wing span of an aircraft

What are some tips to make wearing high heeled boots to the office more acceptable?

Tip #1 - Comfort, are your feet going to be screaming in agony by the end of the day. Tip #2 - The outfit you've chosen to wear with the boots, it should be office appropriate and not give the wrong image when paired with the boots.

Why is it difficult to give exact dates for the Vietnam war?

More than likely theres two reasons: 1. They honestly don't know...or 2. They have an agenda.

How do you be a good scammer on animal jam?

The following includes scamming ideas and tips. tip 1: be they're friend or date and make them give u something tip 2: say you will give them a code if you give them something, but if they do not give you it, you say a code you made up (ART6758 is a good example) and they may leave or give you something before they leave tip 3: be confident when scamming and think before you type tip 4: if you want freedom wings or bat wings from a non member, then send them member wings that look like them. They will not be able to get it, BUT THE PRESENT DOES NOT SAY IT IS MEMBER! you can do this with members as well but the catch is that non members do not get to keep or see it is member or not. Do this after asking for their wings. Tip 5: make them give you something in the return of a glitch or where something is. Tip 6: A good way to scam is not to scam. They give you something then you WILL tell them a code/glitch or whatever it is.

Which 2 cats fight more- 2 females or 2 males?

When male and female cats fight, the more likely to fight each other would be 2 females if fixed, but more likely two males if they are not fixed.

How much should I tip someone providing a delivery service for fast food?

It really depends on how much you spend and how good the service was. Generally, you should give them $2-$3 dollars for their effort of bringing you the food, but not more than that.

What are the condtions that must exisi before performing CPR and how are such condtions are recongnized?

Adult: Tip head & check for breathing. If no breathing, give 2 breaths & start CPR 30 compressions/2 breaths. Infant & Child: Tip head & check for breathing. If no breathing, give 2 breaths. Check pulse (Infant brachial, child carotid). If no pulse start CPR 30 compressions/2 breaths.

Why is it more likely to flood where 2 rivers meet?

well more water is there and if any more water comes (rain) it is more than likely to flood

What outcome is more likely than 2?


Is an event with a probability of 1 more or less likely than an event with a probability of 2?

It is more likely because it can exist. An event with a probability of 2 cannot exist.

Where do you find the suit keys in platinum?

On the side where the woman lost it, go to the exit gate. (Don't go in though) Take 2 steps north, and it is on your right. She will give you a white Flute which makes Pokemon more likely to come to you.

How do you find a woman to love?

tip #1 go out more! go to clubs with friends or something, meet new girls! tip #2 be very patient, you will know it when you found true love